Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems

{ "id": 2134858777, "name": "Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems", "year": 2021, "location": "Detroit, USA", "start_date": "2021-04-01", "end_date": "2021-04-01", "url": "", "Abstract_Registration_Due": "2020-08-14", "Submission_Deadline": "2020-08-21" }
{ "total": 26, "List": [ { "conference_instance_id": 2134858777, "name": "ASPLOS 2021", "year": 2021, "location": "Detroit, USA", "url": "", "paper_count": 0, "hindex": 0, "citation_count": 0, "start_date": "2021-04-01", "end_date": "2021-04-01", "abstract_registration_date": "2020-08-14", "submission_deadline_date": "2020-08-21", "notification_due_date": "2020-11-19", "final_version_due_date": "2021-02-01" }, { "conference_instance_id": 2130801384, "name": "ASPLOS 2020", "year": 2020, "location": "Lausanne, Switzerland", "url": "", "paper_count": 91, "hindex": 22, "citation_count": 1408, "start_date": "2020-03-16", "end_date": "2020-03-20", "abstract_registration_date": "2019-08-09", "submission_deadline_date": "2019-08-16", "notification_due_date": "2019-11-20", "final_version_due_date": "2020-01-20" }, { "conference_instance_id": 2134978799, "name": "ASPLOS 2019", "year": 2019, "location": "Providence, RI,", "url": "", "paper_count": 110, "hindex": 28, "citation_count": 2659, "start_date": "2019-04-13", "end_date": "2019-04-17", "abstract_registration_date": "2018-07-31", "submission_deadline_date": "2018-08-07", "notification_due_date": "2018-11-07", "final_version_due_date": "2019-01-14" }, { "conference_instance_id": 2134699630, "name": "ASPLOS 2018", "year": 2018, "location": "Williamsburg, VA, USA", "url": " ", "paper_count": 84, "hindex": 26, "citation_count": 2231, "start_date": "2018-03-24", "end_date": "2018-03-28", "abstract_registration_date": "2017-08-04", "submission_deadline_date": "2017-08-11", "notification_due_date": "2017-11-13", "final_version_due_date": "2018-01-19" }, { "conference_instance_id": 2132041711, "name": "ASPLOS 2017", "year": 2017, "location": "Xi'an, China", "url": " ", "paper_count": 87, "hindex": 30, "citation_count": 2766, "start_date": "2017-04-08", "end_date": "2017-04-12", "abstract_registration_date": "2016-08-08", "submission_deadline_date": "2016-08-15", "notification_due_date": "2016-11-07", "final_version_due_date": "2017-01-27" } ] }
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