Spoken Language Technology Workshop

{ "id": 2132836591, "name": "Spoken Language Technology Workshop", "year": 2014, "location": "Lake Tahoe, USA - United States of America", "start_date": "2014-12-07", "end_date": "2014-12-10", "url": "http://slt2014.org", "Abstract_Registration_Due": null, "Submission_Deadline": "2014-07-21" }
{ "total": 4, "List": [ { "conference_instance_id": 2132836591, "name": "SLT 2014", "year": 2014, "location": "Lake Tahoe, USA - United States of America", "url": "http://slt2014.org", "paper_count": 105, "hindex": 23, "citation_count": 2431, "start_date": "2014-12-07", "end_date": "2014-12-10", "abstract_registration_date": null, "submission_deadline_date": "2014-07-21", "notification_due_date": null, "final_version_due_date": null }, { "conference_instance_id": 2132876015, "name": "SLT 2012", "year": 2012, "location": "Miami, Florida, USA", "url": "http://www.slt2012.org/", "paper_count": 84, "hindex": 22, "citation_count": 2339, "start_date": "2012-12-02", "end_date": "2012-12-05", "abstract_registration_date": null, "submission_deadline_date": "2012-07-20", "notification_due_date": "2012-09-07", "final_version_due_date": null }, { "conference_instance_id": 2130851027, "name": "SLT 2010", "year": 2010, "location": "Berkeley, CA, USA", "url": "http://www.slt2010.org", "paper_count": 87, "hindex": 16, "citation_count": 1067, "start_date": "2010-12-12", "end_date": "2010-12-15", "abstract_registration_date": null, "submission_deadline_date": "2010-08-02", "notification_due_date": "2010-09-01", "final_version_due_date": "2010-09-22" }, { "conference_instance_id": 2131349248, "name": "SLT 2008", "year": 2008, "location": "Goa, India", "url": "http://www.slt2008.org/CallForPapers.asp", "paper_count": 78, "hindex": 15, "citation_count": 787, "start_date": "2008-12-15", "end_date": "2008-12-19", "abstract_registration_date": null, "submission_deadline_date": "2008-07-25", "notification_due_date": null, "final_version_due_date": null } ] }
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