Aeronomical modeling of the outer planets

The purpose is twofold: to report the programmatic issues of the project as to accomplishments and anticipated work statement for the next six months and to report the technical findings of the project. From the programmatic point of view the study was a clear success. Four talks were given on the work: (1) a talk on electron Bremsstrahlung X ray production at the annual American Astronomical Society, Division of Planetary Studies meeting in October of 1990 in Charlottesville, Virginia; (2) a poster on proton precipitation at the May, 1991 American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, Maryland; (3) an invited paper on multispectral time dependent modeling at the International Union of Geodosy and Geomagnetism in Vienna in August of 1991; and (4) a paper at the annual Division of Planetary Studies of the American Astronomical Society held in Palo Alto in November of 1991 entitled 'Jovian Bremsstrahlung X Rays: A Ulysses Prediction' which predicted the Jovian auroral X ray flux that should be measured by the Ulysses Gamma Ray Burst experiment during the Ulysses spacecraft's closest encounter with Jupiter in February 1992. The Ulysses' prediction paper generated much interest from people studying the Jovian aurora and from experimenters on the Ulysses spacecraft. As a result of this interest two things happened: (1) a paper of the same title was submitted and accepted for publication in the January issue of the Geophysical Research Letters; and (2) a massive observing campaign was organized to provide supporting ultraviolet and infrared observations at the time of the Ulysses encounter. This observational interest allowed personnel at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) (Alan Stern, PI; Hunter Waite Co-I) to obtain director's discretionary time on the Hubble Space Telescope to support the Ulysses encounter by obtaining ultraviolet observations. Once the multiple wavelength observations are obtained in February, the auroral model developed under this project will be used to analyze the data with hopes of providing new insight into the physical processes responsible for the Jovian aurora.
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