A multimodality approach to reversible paraneoplastic encephalitis associated with ovarian teratomas

in our case, biopsies do not always yield the expected results. We should not forget that this test may also sometimes give false positive results, especially in low-grade AS that cannot be readily distinguished from radiotherapy-induced changes [3]. Standard therapy entails surgery with complete tumour resection. However, as in our case, chemotherapy becomes the first treatment of choice when surgery is not possible. Results are far from alone promising for the most widely used drugs. Anthracyclines alone or with iphosphamide have led to disease control after several months (between 7 and 24 months) [8], always in combination with previous surgery. Over the past few years, paclitaxel has been used for used in advanced stage and/or metastatic AS [9,10]. In our case, the weekly taxane kept the disease under control for five months. Our case reveals the sound profile of paclitaxel as a single agent in the initial treatment of unresectable, radiotherapyinduced AS in an anthracycline-naive patient.
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