Commentary on "Urinary L-erythro-β-hydroxyasparagine - a novel serine racemase inhibitor and substrate of the Zn2+-dependent D-serine dehydratase".

The analysis of the urine contents can be informative of physiological homeostasis, and it has been speculated that the levels of urinary D-serine (D-ser) could inform about neurological and renal disorders. By analysing the levels of urinary D-ser using a D-ser dehydratase (DSD) enzyme, Ito et al. have described abundant levels of L-β-EHAsn, a non-proteogenic amino acid which is also a newly described substrate for DSD. The data presented supports the endogenous production L-β-EHAsn, with its concentration significantly correlating with the concentration of creatinine in urine. Taken together, these results could raise speculations that L-β-EHAsn might have unexplored important biological roles. It has been demonstrated that L-β-EHAsn also inhibits serine racemase with Ki values (40 μM) similar to its concentration in urine (50 μM). Given that serine racemase is the enzyme involved in the synthesis of D-ser, and L-β-EHAsn is also a substrate for DSD, further investigations could verify if this amino acid would be involved in the metabolic regulation of pathways involving D-ser.
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