Recent Developments and Future Directions in CCSDS Flight Dynamics Standards

Progress by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Standards (CCSDS) Navigation Working Group in developing international standards for use in space flight dynamics operations has been regularly presented at the ISSFD. Since the last update in 2012, the status of several standards has changed relative to previous reports: the Conjunction Data Message has been published and is widely used, the Pointing Request Message is in final prototyping, the Navigation Hardware Message may be cancelled, the Spacecraft Maneuver Message has been discontinued, a new Re-Entry Data Message standard has been started, the Events Message is about to start, and the "first generation" standards (Orbit Data Messages, Attitude Data Messages, Tracking Data Message, NDM/XML Specification) are being revised. Future directions have primarily arisen in the context of "second generation" standards that supplement first generation standards. The need to duplicate common data structures (e.g., an orbit state) commonly arises. Two important objectives of CCSDS international standards are interoperability and cross-support, which makes consistency essential. Still, maintaining consistency from one standard to another is challenging. The related concepts of duplication and consistency have led to the still evolving notion of a "universal, modular message". Recent discussion suggests this concept may be the way forward.
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