Ю.Е. Никитин, Е.Н. Никитин, А.Е. Шкляев РОЛЬ ГОРМОНА ГЕПЦИДИНА ПРИ АНЕМИИ У БОЛЬНЫХ ВНЕБОЛЬНИЧНОЙ ПНЕВМОНИЕЙ ГБОУ ВПО «Ижевская государственная медицинская академия» Минздрава России, г. Ижевск

The clinical significance of anemia in 120 patients with community-acquired pneumonia has been studied in comparison with 60 patients without anemia. Iron content, total iron binding capacity of serum including calculation of transferring saturation ratio were determined using chemiluminescence method. Concentrations of ferritin, erythropoietin, interleukin-6 in serum were studied using enzyme immunoassay. Risk factors for developing anemia and hedcidin role in anemia pathogenesis in patients with community-acquired pneumonia have been studied. Community-acquired pneumonia is accompanied by increased production of hepcidin regulated by interleukine-6 and functional iron deficiency which induce inflammation anemia. The most significant risk factors for anemia in patients with community-acquired pneumonia are severe, destructive course of the disease, trombocytosis ≥400х109/l, ESR acceleration ≥50 mm/hour, ineffective therapy during the first three days. Erythropoietin content in blood of patients with community-acquired pneumonia and anemia significantly increases and can be a sensitive indicator of tissue hypoxia. Anemia contributes to severe and prolonged course of community-acquired pneumonia and adversely affects its outcome. In pneumonia resolu
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