An Update to a Conformal Ablative Thermal Protection System for Planetary and Human Exploration Missions

As described at IPPW-10, in FY12, the CA-TPS element focused on establishing materials requirements based on MSL-type and COTS Low Earth orbit (LEO) conditions (q 250 Wcm2) to develop and deliver a conformal ablative TPS. This involved down selecting, manufacturing and testing two of the best candidate materials, demonstrating uniform infiltration of resins into baseline 2-cm thick carbon felt, selecting a primary conformal material formulation based on novel arc jet and basic material properties testing, developing and demonstrating instrumentation for felt-based materials and, based on the data, developing a low fidelity material response model so that the conformal ablator TPS thickness for missions could be established. In addition, the project began to develop Industry Partnerships. Since the nominal thickness of baseline carbon felts was only 2-cm, a partnership with a rayon felt developer was made in order to upgrade equipment, establish the processes required and attempt to manufacture 10-cm thick white goods. A partnership with a processing house was made to develop the methodology to carbonize large pieces of the white goods into 7.5-cm thick carbon felt. In FY13, more advanced testing and modeling of the down selected conformal material was performed. Material thermal properties tests and structural properties tests were performed. The first 3 and 4-point bend tests were performed on the conformal ablator as well as PICA for comparison and the conformal ablator had outstanding behavior compared to PICA. Arc jet testing was performed with instrumented samples of both the conformal ablator and standard PICA at heating rates ranging from 40 to 400 Wcm2 and shear as high as 600 Pa. The results from these tests showed a remarkable improvement in the thermal penetration through the conformal ablator when compared to PICAs response. The data from these tests were used to develop a mid-fidelity thermal response model. Additional arc jet testing in the same conditions on various seam designs were very successful in showing that the material could be joined with a minimum of adhesive and required no complicated gap and gap filler design for installation. In addition, the partnership with industry to manufacture thicker rayon felt was very successful. The vendor made a 2-m wide by 30-m long sample of 10-cm thick rayon felt. When carbonized, the resulting thickness was over 7.5-cm thick, nearly 4 times the thickest off-the-shelf carbon felt. In FY14, the project has initiated a partnership with another vendor to begin the scale-up manufacturing effort. This year, the vendor will duplicate the process and manufacture at the current scale for comparison with NASA-processed materials. Properties testing and arc jet testing will be performed on the vendor-processed materials. Planning for manufacturing large, 1-m x 1-m, panels will begin as well. In FY15, the vendor will then manufacture large panels and the project will build a 2-m x 2-m Manufacturing Demonstration Unit (MDU).
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