Precessing winds from the nucleus of the prototype Red Geyser

Super-massive black holes (SMBH) are present at the center of most galaxies, with the related mass accretion processes giving origin to outflowsin Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). It has been presumed that only intense winds from luminous AGN were able to suppress star formationuntil the discovery of a new class of galaxies with no recent star formationand with the nucleus in a quiescent state showing kpc scale outflows. We used SDSS MaNGA and Gemini Integral Field Spectroscopy of the prototype Red Geyser Akira and found that the orientation of the outflowchanges by about 50$^\circ$ from its nucleus to kpc scales. A possible interpretation is that the outflowis produced by a precessingaccretion disk due to a misalignment between the orientation of the disk and the spin of the SMBH. The precessionof the central source is also supported by a similar change in the orientation of the ionization pattern. Although similar behavior has commonly being reported for collimated relativistic jets, the precessionof an AGN wide wind is reported here for the first time, implying on a larger work surface of the wind, which in turn increases the star formationsuppression efficiency of the outflow.
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