To: MRP Assessment TAC and MRP IC Subject: MRP-227-A Applicability Template Guideline

Enclosed please find an MRP-227-A related guidance document for MRP member use in developing reactor internals related information for plant-specific inspection programs. Over the past year, several public meetings were held with the NRC staff to discuss NRC expectations and concerns regarding industry responses to MRP-227-A, Applicant/ LicenseeAction Items (A/LAIs) 1 and 2. The concerns were addressed to owners of currently operating pressurized water reactorplants designed by Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering (CE). At these meetings, the NRC, Westinghouse, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and utility representatives discussed regulatory concerns and determined a path for a comprehensive and consistent utility response to demonstrate applicability of MRP-227-A. The information provided by the industry to the NRC staff demonstrated that the MRP-227-A I&E Guidelines are applicable for the range of conditions expectedat the currently operating Westinghouse and CE-designed plants in the United States. As a result of the technical discussions with the NRC staff, the Enclosure was developed to provide utilities with the basis for a plant to respond to the NRC’s Request for Additional Information (RAI) to demonstrate compliance with the basic technical applicability assumptions in MRP-227-A for originally licensed and uprated conditions.
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