Conquering Textureless with RF-referenced Monocular Vision for MAV State Estimation

The versatile nature of agile micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) poses fundamental challenges to the design of robust state estimation in various complex environments. Achieving high-quality performance in textureless scenes is one of the missing pieces in the puzzle. Previously proposed solutions either seek a remedy with visual loop closure or leverage RF localizability with inferior accuracy. None of them support accurate MAV state estimation in textureless scenes. This paper presents RFSift, a new state estimator that conquers the textureless challenge with RF-referenced monocular vision, achieving centimeter-level accuracy in textureless scenes. Our key observation is that RF and visual measurements are tied up with pose constraints. Mapping RF to feature quality and sift well-matched ones significantly improves accuracy. RFSift consists of 1) an RF-sifting algorithm that maps 3D UWB measurements to 2D visual features for sifting the best features; 2) an RF-visual-inertial sensor fusion algorithm that enables robust state estimation by leveraging multiple sensors with complementary advantages. We implement the prototype with off-the-shelf products and conduct large-scale experiments. The results demonstrate that RFSift is robust in textureless scenes, 10x more accurate than the state-of-the-art monocular vision system. The code of RFSift is available at
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