Estimation of a Weekend Mode Choice Model for Calgary

The mode choice model presented here is part of a larger tour-based, activity-based modeling system. Tour groups are formed, and in some cases (for tours with a clear primary purpose, such as work tours) a primary destination is chosen. A tour mode logit choice model then selects an overall mode for the tour from three options ? Auto, Bicycle and Other (including transit, walk and being a passenger in another vehicle). The tour choice model is based on group size and composition, availability of a car to the group, and tour purpose. For tours with a primary destination, the travel disutility to this destination, and the accessibility at this destination are also considered. For tours without a clear primary destination (such as shopping tours), the accessibility at the home location is used. Once a tour mode is chosen, individual stop locations are selected and a logit choice model selects a mode for each trip on the tour. Tours made by Auto or Bicycle are restricted to the chosen mode, and no further model is needed. For tours made by the Other mode, each trip presents a choice between Walk, Transit and Passenger. The trip mode choice model uses group size and composition, auto availability, and tour purpose as well as specific travel costs of the three modes. This paper presents full estimation results for these models, including a discussion of the implications of the estimation results, permitting new insights into weekend travel behavior.
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