200 mm Sensor Development Using Bonded Wafers

Sensors fabricated from high resistivity, float zone, silicon material have been the basis of vertex detectors and trackers for the last 30 years. The areas of these devices have increased from a few square cm to $\> 200\ m^2$ for the existing CMS tracker. High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), CMS and ATLAS tracker upgrades will each require more than $200\ m^2$ of silicon and the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGC) will require more than $600\ m^2$. The cost and complexity of assembly of these devices is related to the area of each module, which in turn is set by the area of the silicon sensors. In addition to large area, the devices must be radiation hard, which can be achieved by the use of sensors thinned to 200 microns or less. The combination of wafer thinning and large wafer diameter is a significant technical challenge, and is the subject of this work. We describe work on development of thin sensors on $200 mm$ wafers using wafer bonding technology. Results of development runs with float zone, Silicon-on-Insulator and Silicon-Silicon bonded wafer technologies are reported.
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