Why farm households have differences in corruption experiences? Evidences from Bangladesh.

Th e article explores the household-level determinants of corruptionand its diff erent forms in Bangladesh. It also identifi es the micro-level factors for which households pay diff erent amount of bribe. To attain these objectives, experi- ences of 210 Bangladeshifarm households belonging to six diff erent districts of the country are analyzed. Th e econometric analyses show that the households with higher expenditure are more likely to face corruptionand bribery, and also pay a higher amount of bribe. However, these households are less likely to face the negligence of duty and nepotismor favour- itism. Such diff erences in the impact of the expenditure variable can be argued to be the outcome of a situation where corruptionis pervasive and the offi cials have the bribe maximizing objective. Relationships with diff erent power entities reduce the households' probability to face corruptionand its diff erent forms, and can avoid a higher bribe payment. Th e results argue for several policy actions for combating corruptionin the country.
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