Reflexiones acerca de la asistencia sanitaria tras la pandemia por COVID19: La información cruda anonimizada se compartirá a solicitud por el autor corresponsal. . Los autores declaran que no hubo financiamiento para la realización de este trabajo. .La información cruda anonimizada se compartirá a solicitud por el autor corresponsal.

Various circumstances have meant that in the past fifty years, the entire world has been affected by very different pandemics from different origins. The current pandemic caused by the emergence of SARSCoV2 has questioned the response and reliability of the best healthcare systems in many countries around the world. This has led to the reorganization of hospital care services to face the flood of income caused by COVID19. Beyond that initial response, all health care services have modified their daily activities, implementing telemedicine, among other measures, and adopting the delay or suspension of many of the consultations previously scheduled. As a consequence of all this, some have appreciated the possibility of reserving healthcare resources for what is absolutely essential in an attempt, not always planned to "demedicalize life" and, incidentally, to "depsychiatrize the feelings". From a more general point of view, societies around the world have confirmed the paramount importance that the perfect organization and provision of health services must have for the development of life in society, with an ever closer interconnection. Thus, for the future, the organization of international cooperation, over useless localisms, must preside over a new “biopolitics” of common interests, beyond empty institutional declarations and with the will of common work. It will help in this endeavor the " deinfantilization" of citizens who must become aware of where what is really important, surely above what is simply interesting.
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