Dynamics of residual malaria transmission in Central Western Senegal: Mapping the breeding sites of Anopheles gambiae s. l.

Despite the use of several effective control interventions in the central western Senegal, residual malaria transmission still occurring in some hotspots. In order to better understand the factors associated with this situation to better tailor targeted control actions, it is critical to unravel environmental and geographical factors underlying the persistence of the disease in study hotspot villages. Hotspots villages were defined as those reporting more than six indigenous malaria cases during the previous year. A total of ten villages, including seven hotspots and three non-hotspots, were surveyed. All potential mosquito breeding sites identified in and around the tenth study villages were regularly monitored between 2013 and 2017. This monitoring concerned the presence of anophelines larvae and the collection of epidemiological, hydrogeological, topographical and biogeographical data. Throughout the study area, the number of larval breeding sites inventoried and monitored over the study period ranged from 50 to 62. They were higher, with no significant difference, in hotspot sites than in non-hotspot sites for each year of monitoring with 62.3% (56/62) in 2013, 90.9% (50/55) in 2014, 90.3% (56/62) in 2015 and 86% (43/50) in 2017 (Fisher9s exact test; p = 1). The Hotspot villages were mostly characterized by saline or moderately saline hydro-morphic and halomorphic soils allowing water retention and a suitable presence of potential larval breeding sites. Whereas non-hotspot villages are characterized mainly by a high proportion of extremely permeable sandy-textured soils due to their porosity, which reduces water retention. The annual number of confirmed malaria cases was corelated relatively with the frequency and extent of breeding sites. Malaria cases were much more higher in the hamlets located near to the breeding sites of An. gambiae s.l then gradually decreases with their remoteness. This study has shown that the dynamics of larval breeding sites by their longevity, stability, proximity to houses and their positiveness rate for the presence of Anopheles larvae could be a determining factor in the persistence of malaria hotspots in central western Senegal. The results of this study shed more light on the environmental factors underlying the residual transmission and should make it possible to better organize vector control interventions for malaria elimination in west-central Senegal.
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