Association between epidemic dynamics of Covid-19 infection and ABO blood group types

Background: Covid-19 pandemic is the most critical challenge nowadays for the manhood, and the infection and death cases are still speedily increasing. Since there are no available vaccine and specifically effective treatment, to break the infectious way of the pandemic remains the unique measure to efficiently combat Covid-19 infection. Understanding factors that affect the Covid-19 infection can help make better balance between activity restriction and infection dynamics. This study sought to investigate association between Covid-19 infection and blood type distribution. Methods: The big data provided by World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University were taken to assess epidemic dynamics of Covid-19 infection. Growth rate and doubling time of infection and death cases, reproductive number, infection and death cases in the mid-exponential phase were analyzed in relation to blood type distribution. Results: Growth rate of infection and death cases correlated significantly to blood type A proportion of the population positively while to blood type B proportion negatively. In comparison with lower blood type A population (< 30%) people with higher blood type A (≥ 30%) had more infection and death cases in the early exponential phase, higher growth rates, and shorter case doubling time for infection and death. Discussion: Covid-19 infection is significantly associated with blood type distribution and people with blood type A are more susceptible to Covid-19 infection and have higher epidemic dynamics and higher case fatality rate. The results of this study provide important and useful information for fighting Covid-19 pandemic.
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