Training a spiking neuronal network model of visual-motor cortex to play a virtual racket-ball game using reinforcement learning

Recent models of spiking neuronal networks have been trained to perform behaviors in static environments using a variety of learning rules, with varying degrees of biological realism. Most of these models have not been tested in dynamic visual environments where models must make predictions on future states and adjust their behavior accordingly. The models using these learning rules are often treated as black boxes, with little analysis on circuit architectures and learning mechanisms supporting optimal performance. Here we developed visual/motor spiking neuronal network models and trained them to play a virtual racket-ball game using several reinforcement learning algorithms inspired by the dopaminergic reward system. We systematically investigated how different architectures and circuit-motifs (feed-forward, recurrent, feedback) contributed to learning and performance. We also developed a new biologically-inspired learning rule that significantly enhanced performance, while reducing training time. Our models included visual areas encoding game inputs and relaying the information to motor areas, which used this information to learn to move the racket to hit the ball. Neurons in the early visual area relayed information encoding object location and motion direction across the network. Neuronal association areas encoded spatial relationships between objects in the visual scene. Motor populations received inputs from visual and association areas representing the dorsal pathway. Two populations of motor neurons generated commands to move the racket up or down. Model-generated actions updated the environment and triggered reward or punishment signals that adjusted synaptic weights so that the models could learn which actions led to reward. Here we demonstrate that our biologically-plausible learning rules were effective in training spiking neuronal network models to solve problems in dynamic environments. We used our models to dissect the circuit architectures and learning rules most effective for learning. Our models offer novel predictions on the biological mechanisms supporting learning behaviors. Author SummaryA longstanding challenge in neuroscience is to understand how animals produce intelligent behaviors and how pathology results in behavioral/cognitive deficits. The advent of modern imaging techniques has enabled recording large populations of neurons in behaving animals. However, animal experiments still impose limitations in recording widely across multiple brain areas while manipulating the individual components of the circuit, thus limiting our understanding of how the behavior emerges from sensory and motor interactions. Multiscale data-driven models of neural circuits can help dissect mechanisms of sensory-motor behaviors. However, most biologically detailed models are used to reproduce and understand the origins of activity patterns observed in vivo. In contrast, Deep Learning models show extraordinary performance in complex sensory-motor tasks. Despite this, Deep Learning models are not routinely used to dissect mechanisms of sensory-motor behavior because of their lack of biological detail. Here, we developed several spiking neuronal network models of the visual-motor system and trained them using biologically inspired learning mechanisms to play a racket-ball game. We use the models to dissect circuit architectures and learning rules that enhance performance. We offer our models and analyses for the neuroscience community to better understand neuronal circuit mechanisms contributing to learning and behavior.
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