Weihai Ying

Dr. Weihai Ying is a Professor and Associate Dean of SJTU School of BME. He received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 1998. From 1998-2002, he conducted postdoctoral research at UCSF School of Medicine. From 2002-2008, he was an Assistant Neurobiologist/PI, then Assistant Professor (Step I–III) of the Department of Neurology, UCSF School of Medicine. He was also a Research Scientist/PI of Northern California Institute for Research and Education from 2003- 2008. He has had over 70 papers published in scientific journals such as PNAS and JBC, which have been cited over 2,600 times (Google Scholar). Dr. Ying has been the PIs of six research grants in US. Dr. Ying has also been the PIs of a number of research grants including '973' National Basic Research Center Grant (as a Group Leader), Chinese NSF grants, Shanghai 'Pujiang Scholar Award', and Shanghai Key Basic Research Grant since 2008 when he became a Professor of SJTU. He was an invited speaker and Session Chair in American Society of Neurosciences Annual Meetings, and has been Editors of both books and Special Edition of three SCI journals on neuronal injury. He has served as reviewers of NSFC grants and '973' National Basic Research Center Grants, and served as a regular member of the Study Section of American Heart Association. His research interests include: Mechanisms of neural cell death; roles of NAD in cell necrosis , apoptosis and autophagy ; new approaches for neuroprotection; roles of NAD-dependent enzymes, oxidative stress and inflammation in brain injury; and mechanisms underlying the biological effects of synchrotron radiation X-ray.




address:教三楼 211室
