Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) School of Biomedical Engineering –Institute for Personalized Medicine is co-funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology and China Ministry of Education. The institute focuses its research on personalized disease diagnostics and personalized disease therapeutics. The institute highly emphasizes multi-disciplinary fields including biomedical, engineering, biology, bioinformatics and computer science. The institute is highly international as well.
createdtime:2016-07-19 15:08:00

The institute is led by Prof. Chih-Ming Ho, who is a former vice-president of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), a member of American Academy of Engineering, a member of Academia Sinica and a member of China “Top-People-plan”. The institute is currently carrying National “Major Drug Development Project”, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “HIV and TB new therapeutics development project” and more than 10 international personalized medicine relatedcollaborations. The institute is now open for 2 postdoctoral fellow researchpositions:


一、药物数据分析和数据挖掘岗位(drug combination optimization and analysis):

岗位职责(major duty):

1、主要从事多药物的相互作用数据分析工作(multi-drug interaction experimental study)

2、负责建立药物剂量与药效的细胞、动物模型(drug combination dose-efficacy evaluation in vivo and in vitro)

3、多药物系统的建模与大数据挖掘工作(bioinformatics and data mining)

4、参与课题组项目的科研工作,为项目顺利开展提供实验技术支撑(technical support for biological experiments)

5、协助实验室的日常管理工作(daily lab technical supports)



1、控制、系统建模、生物统计、系统生物学、大规模数据挖掘 背景(background in pharmacology, bioinformatics, data mining, biology or modeling are all acceptable)

2、喜欢实验室工作、动手能力强、实验态度严谨、善于观察细节、能如实记录实验现象(self-motivated and willing to independently perform experiments)

3、身体健康、学习能力强,善于总结,有较好的社会交往能力,团队合作精神好(team work spirit)

4、有中英文写作与交谈经验优先(English writing and communicating)

5、有科研经历和论文撰写经验优先(research background and experience)

6、熟悉基本生物实验原理者优先(biomedical related research background arepreferred)



二、体外诊断芯片开发岗位(bio-chip design and development):

岗位职责(major duty):

1、基于化学、物理等反应实现针对重大疾病的生物芯片开发(biosensor development for multi-targeting disease diagnostics)

2、微流控(microfluidics)体外诊断芯片的设计、加工和测试工作(microfluidics lab-on-chip design and fabrication)

3、针对微量体液(血液、唾液、尿液)进行代谢产物的快速诊断(blood, urine or saliva based diagnostic chips)

4、参与课题组项目的科研工作,为项目顺利开展提供实验技术支撑(technical support for biological experiments)

6、协助实验室的日常管理工作(daily lab technical supports)




1、微流控(microfluidics)背景 或者 分析化学背景(background in microfluidics, analytical chemistry or biosensor development)

2、喜欢实验室工作、动手能力强、实验态度严谨、善于观察细节、能如实记录实验现象(self-motivated and willing to independently perform experiments)

3、身体健康、学习能力强,善于总结,有较好的社会交往能力,团队合作精神好(team work spirit)

4、有中英文写作与交谈经验优先(English writing and communicating)

5、有科研经历和论文撰写经验优先(research background and experience)

6、熟悉PDMS和photolithography的加工制备过程者优先(preferring candidates who know PDMS and photolithography)




应聘方式(contact information):

Please send your personal statement and other related documents through emails to the following email address. Please refer to the following lab webpage for more information.This advertisement is valid till December 2016.


联系人: 丁老师


联系地址:上海市华山路1954号开云网页登录 生物医学工程学院(邮编200030)

招聘有效期:2016年07月07日 ~ 2016年12月31日

