Successful Conclusion of the 3rd SJTU-ETH Zürich Joint International Summer School
createdtime:2019-07-23 22:43:00

        From July 8th to 12th of 2019, the 3rd Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zürich) joint international summer school on the topic of "Medical Robotics and Rehabilitation Technology"(hereinafter referred to as "Summer School") was successfully held at the Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The summer school lasted for a full week and included a series of cutting-edge lectures, in-depth discussions, cross-cultural exchange visits, and various other activities revolving around the theme of “Medical Robotics and Rehabilitation Technology”. This summer school was jointly hosted by SJTU’s School of Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zürich, and SJTU’s Medical Robotics Institute. The summer school was sponsored by the International Graduate School, the School of BiomedicalEngineering, and the International Institute of Medical Robotics of SJTU. A total of 45 graduate students from SJTU, ETH Zürich and other international universities attended the summer school. The organizers invited professors and clinicians from world-class institutions, such as SJTU, ETH Zürich, EPFL,National University of Singapore, and Ruijin hospital.

The opening ceremony of the 2019 SJTU-ETH joint international summer school

        At the opening ceremony on July 8, Professor Wei-qiang Gao, dean of SJTU’s School of Biomedical Engineering, gave a welcome speech. On behalf of the college and the organizers, he welcomed theenthusiastic participation of all teachers and students while also expressinggratitude to the professors who came from afar. Based on the existing foundation of cooperation between SJTU and ETH Zürich, he expressed hopes to furtherstrengthen international cooperation in the field of health care. Professor Robert Riener, head of the Department of Health Science and Technology at ETH Zürich, also expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the conference. Hepointed out that this summer school, at the third iteration, and has become aplatform to exchange scientific research and knowledge between the two sides in the field of rehabilitation. He responded with hope to continue to expand the cooperation between ETH Zürich and SJTU and to continue to cultivate talent.

The dean of SJTU’s School of Biomedical Engineering, Wei-qiang Gao, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 2019 SJTU-ETH summer school

Professor Robert Riener, of ETH Zürich, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the 2019 SJTU-ETH summer school

        During the summer school, six professors from world-class institutions presented eight cutting-edge academic reports and in-depth seminars in the fields of medical robotics and rehabilitation. As thereports covered academic content, it was relatively difficult, and the schedulewas very compact. In particular, an in-depth discussion session was set up toprovide deeper research and exchange between students and professors. The schedule was compact, and the content is carried with different methods withinthe subject scope. The topics included specific research areas such as fundamental research, clinical application, and industrial development. Based on thecurrent background of domestic and international research on rehabilitation, thesessions provided insights into opportunities and challenges.

Academic lecture from Prof. Robert Riener of ETH Zürich

Academic lecture from Prof. Yang Guoyuan of SJTU

Academic lecture from Prof. Hannes Bleuler of EPFL

Academic lecture from Prof. Wang Jixian of Ruijin Hospital

Academic lecture from Prof. Haoyong Yu ofNational University of Singapore

Academic lecture from Prof. Xiaohong Hong of SJTU

        The summer school included many graduate students from ETH Zürich, as well as students from domestic and foreign university interested in biomedical engineering, medical robots, and rehabilitation. During the summer school, participants also visiting the SJTU History Museum and Qian Xuesen Museum. It provided a deeper understanding of SJTU’s teaching philosophy of “Remembering your origin and love your nation” to teachers and students. In addition, the Pujiang night tour activities was an excellentcross-cultural activity between SJTU and ETH Zürich teachers and students, providing a personal communication platform.

2019 SJTU-ETH summer school participants visit SJTU History Museum

2019 SJTU-ETH summer school participants visit QianXuesen Museum

2019 SJTU-ETH summer school participants on the Pujiang night tour

        On the afternoon of July 12th, the summer school closing ceremony and completion ceremony was successfully concluded in the lecture hall of the Minhang Campus’ Wenxuan Medical Building. After five days of interaction and learning between SJTU, ETH Zürich, and other domestic and foreign participants and volunteers, they gained a lot and they built new friendships. Professor Tong Shanbao, deputy dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering at STJU, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony. He expressed his gratitude to the professors who were invited to give lectures at thisevent, and once again welcomed the enthusiastic participation of students from home and abroad, and also expressed gratitude to the support of ETH Zürich and the Medical Robotics Institute, he also praised the hard work of the volunteers. Professor Hannes Bleuler from EPFL also gave a speech at the closing ceremony and thanked the organizers for their meticulous arrangements. He said that the exchanges and discussions with the teachers and students ofthe summer school in the past week were unforgettable, and he looked forward to the next session that would be held in Zürich. Mattia Bellini from ETH Zürich,Yuan Jing from the University of California, Berkeley, and Wang Tong from SJTU respectively shared their experiences of the summer school.

Prof. Tong Shanbao, of deputy Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering, gave a closing ceremony speech

Prof. Hannes Bleuler, of EPFL, gave a closing ceremony speech

Student representative, Yuan Jing (UC Berkeley),sharing experiences

Student representative, Mattia Bellini (ETH Zürich),sharing experiences

Student representative, Wang Tong (SJTU), sharing experiences

        At the closing ceremony, Professor Tong Shanbao,deputy Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Professor Chen Weidong,Executive Vice Dean of the Medical Robotics Institute, Yang Guoyuan, Professor of SJTU, and Hannes Bleuler, Honorary Professor of EPFL, respectivel yawarded completion certificates and congratulations to the students. Volunteers were also given souvenirs and gratitude. At the end of the event, all summerschool teachers and students attended a coffee exchange in the lobby of the Wenxuan Medical Building. Everyone exchanged contact information and took group photos.

Professor Tong Shanbao, deputy Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering, awarded completion certificate to the students

Professor Chen Weidong, Executive Vice Dean ofthe Medical Robotics Research Institute, awarded completion certificate to thestudents

Professor Yang Guoyuan, of SJTU, awarded completion certificate to the students

Professor Hannes Bleuler, of EPFL, awarded completion certificate to the students

Professor Chen Weidong gave souvenirs to the volunteers

        The successful conclusion of the third SJTU-ETH joint international summer school is another special project of the School of Biomedical Engineering in the development of international exchanges. This summer school had more participants, richer content, and more diverse events compared to past events, which not only allows students from both institutions to have a deeper understanding of their research through this opportunity, but also for cooperative research of both sides. The team further provided in-depth scientific research cooperation and provided a good communication channel. At the same time, it also provided a solid foundation for SJTU and ETH Zürich to reach more areas of international cooperation projects in the field of biomedical rehabilitation.

The successful conclusion of the 2019 SJTU-ETH Zürich international summer school
