
2019年7月4-5日,中国高校第一届教学学术年会暨开云网页登录 第四届教学学术年会在开云网页登录 闵行校区召开,会议主题为“教学学术视野下的教学故事”。来自全国70多所高校的450余名高等教育学者、一线教师及教学发展人员齐聚一堂,深入交流,共话教学学术。开云网页登录 校长林忠钦、常务副校长丁奎岭出席开幕式并发表讲话。点此浏览全文


大会报告(1)A story of writing to learn: How writing is changing the way students learn science at the University of Michigan

Ginger V. Shultz(Univerity of Michigan)
报告简介:Stories are the means by which we make sense of our experiences. One pedagogical approach that builds from our natural storytelling instincts is writing to learn. Writing engages students in solidifying tacit and unformed ideas and in connecting these ideas together. Writing also draws on story telling as students translate science ideas and engage with a particular audience. Despite the advantages of writing-to-learn pedagogies, writing to learn is not often used in introductory science courses. In this session, I will tell the story of an effort to increase the use of writing to learn at the University of Michigan and other U.S Institutions. As part of this effort, we conducted a national survey aimed at understanding our audience, science instructors, and what motivates their classroom decisions so that we could better support faculty in the use of writing. We also partnered with faculty to develop writing-to-learn assignments that were tailored for their learning goals and classroom contexts.


陈向明 (北京大学)

