Faculty Directory

Hu Jiaxiang

Tenured Professor of KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Email: jxhu@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Educational background

    The University of Edinburgh, UK(PhD)
    Zhejiang University, China(Mphil)
    Hangzhou University, China(MA)
    Hangzhou University, China(BA)
  • Professional Experience

    2018.08-present Tenured professor, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    2005.08-2018.08 Professor, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    2003.08-2005.08 Associate Professor, School of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    1998.08-2003.08 Associate Professor, School of Foreign Language, Zhejiang University, China
    1991.10-1998.08 Lecturer, School of Foreign Language, Hangzhou University, China
    1986.07-1991.10 Assistant Professor, School of Foreign Language, Hangzhou University, China
  • Research Interests

    Public International Law, International Economic Law, WTO Law, Biosecurity Law
  • Research Projects

    1. Study on EU Antidumping Law, 1998, Ministry of Education
    2. A Comparative Study on the Regulation of GM Food with Policy and Law by Different Countries in the World, 2014, Key Research Program, National Office for Philosophy and Social Science
    3. Study on the Legal Framework of Asian-Pacific Free Trade Area, 2015, China Law Society
    4. Study on the Standards of Modal Courses Taught in English, 2017, Key Research Program, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
    5. Study on the Guarantee by the Rule of Law in China’s Free Trade Port, 2018, China Law
    6. Study on the Construction of the Legal System of Regulation on GM Food in China, 2018,
    Major Research Program, National Office for Philosophy and Social Science
  • Publications

    1. Representative Articles in Chinese
    (9)世贸组织专家聘任机制之研究,《开云网页登录 学报》,2004年第6期
    (10)中美钢铁案的理性思考,《开云网页登录 学报》,2005年第3期
    (11)世界反法西斯战争胜利与人权的国际保护,《开云网页登录 学报》,2005年第5期
    (16)国际贸易法与世界贸易法---从一个学科名称嬗变说起,Journal of Taiwan WTO Studies,2006年第5期
    (18)为“司法考试”正名,《开云网页登录 学报》,2007年第1期
    (21)WTO体制下的贸易救济措施比较研究,第一作者,Journal of Taiwan WTO Studies,2007年第7期
    (22) 世界一流大学法学院比较与启示,《河北法学》,2007年第8期
    (23)我国外资银行市场准入规则实证分析研究,第一作者,《开云网页登录 学报》,2007年第6期
    (26)国际贸易争端的解决与国家安全利益的保护---以GATT第二十一条为研究视角,《开云网页登录 学报》,2008年第4期
    (27)中国参与WTO争端解决机制实证分析研究, 《法学》,2008年第11期
    (29)WTO仲裁第三方研究,第一作者,Journal of Taiwan WTO Studies,2008年第9期
    (32)哈佛法学院社会募捐制度研究,《开云网页登录 学报》,2009年第4期
    (35)非市场经济主体与反补贴制度关系研究,《开云网页登录 学报》,2010年第2期
    (36)WTO框架下的中國大陸出口退稅政策研究,Journal of Taiwan WTO Studies,2010年第17期
    (38)当代中国法学教学范式研究,《开云网页登录 学报》,2010年第6期
    (42)从多边贸易视角看 “汽车轮胎案”的裁决,《河北法学》,2011年第1期
    (46)中国入世十年争端解决实证分析,《开云网页登录 学报》2011年,第5期
    (50)“限制原材料出口案”的启示与“可用竭自然资源”例外规则的法律分析,第一作者,《开云网页登录 学报》,2012年第3期
    (59)人民币汇率补贴论之辨析,第一作者,《学习与探索》, 2013年第5期
    (62)国际投资准入前国民待遇法律问题初探-----兼论上海自贸区负面清单,《开云网页登录 学报》,2014年第1期
    (65)GATT第二十条适用范围再审视,《开云网页登录 学报》,2014年第6期
    (70)“无罪推定”还是“有罪推定”? 转基因食品安全性的法律思辨,《法学》,2015年第12期
    (78)TPP争端解决机制研究---以WTO争端解决机制为比较视角,《开云网页登录 学报》,2017年第2期

    2. Representative Books in Chinese
    (1)Study on Modern China Legal Studies from a Multi-perspective, Law Press 2012
    (2)A Retrospective View on the First Three Years’ Development of Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone (System), co-authored with Hongzhen Jiang, Tao Huang, Yang Zhou, Li Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press 2016
    (3)A Retrospective View on the First Three Years’ Development of Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone (Data), co-authored with Xinglu Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press 2016
    (4)Study on the Regulation of GM Food by Policy and Law (China), Law
    Press 2021
    (5)Study on the Regulation of GM Food by Policy and Law (Other
    Countries), Law Press 2021

    3 Representative Articles in English
    (1)The Ambiguous Name and the Possible Redefining of a developing Country in the WTO,Transnational Law Review,No.1, 2003
    (2)The Role of International Law in the Development of WTO Law,Journal of International Economic Law,No.1, 2004
    (3)Closer Integration, but Controversial Rules,Pace International Law Review,No. II,2006
    (4)Market Access or Market Restrictions, Gotingen Journal of International Law, Winter Issue, 2009
    (5)To Be or Not To Be, A Question to the United States---On the Countervailing Measures to Those Non-Market Economies, Yonsei Law Journal, No.2, 2011
    (6)The Role of WTO Law in the Construction of the Chinese Legal System,Yonsei Law Journal, No.2, 2012
    (7)China’s Participation in PKOs: Figures and Trends,in China's and Italy's Participation in Peacekeeping Operations, edited by Andrea de Guttry; Emanuele Sommario and Lijiang Zhu, Lexington Books 2014
    (8)The Role of the Technological Neutrality Principle in the Development of WTO Rules, in Science and Technology in International Economic Law, edited by Bryan Mercurio and Kuei-Jung Ni, Routledge 2014
    (9)The WTO Dispute Settlement System at Twenty Years: From the Perspective of the WTO Compensation Mechanism, Journal of WTO and China, No.4, 2015
    (10)FTZS, Can They Initiate a New Round of Reforms in China? BOLETIM DE CIÊNCIAS ECONÓMICAS LVII (2016) 1-ULTIMA PÁGIMA ARTIGO
    (11)The WTO Dispute Settlement System at Twenty Years: From the Perspective of the WTO Compensation Mechanism,Yonsei Law Journal, No.3, 2016,
    (12)A Retrospective View on the First Three Years of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chinese Economy, Issue 4, 2017
    (13)Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Organizations in the Implementation of “One Belt, One Road” Initiative: Whence and Whither, co-authored with Jenny Huang, Journal of World Trade, No.5, 2018
    (14)Can CPTPP Enhance MARPOL Compliance?---Legal Analysis on the Marine Protection Based on the Sanchi Incident, co-authored with Jenny Huang, Tulane Maritime Law, No.1, 2019

    4. Representative Books in English
    (1)WTO and Its Dispute Settlement Mechanism---From a Developing Country Perspective, Zhejiang University Press 2005
    (2)Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements in Asia, co-edited with Matthias Vanhullebusch, Brill Publisher 2015
    (3)Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China,co-edited with Matthias Vanhullebusch, Andrew Harding, Brill Publisher 2016
    (4)Legal Education in Asia: From Imitation to Innovation, co-edited with Andrew Harding, Maartje de Visser, Brill Publisher 2017
    (5)Perspectives on Chinese Business and Law, co-edited with Kim Van der Borght, Saisai Wang et al, intersentia Cambridge-Antwerp-Portland 2018
    (6)International Economic Law and the Challenges of Economic Zones:Global Regulatory Issues and Trends,co-edited with Julien Chaisse, Wolters Kluwer 2019

