Computer Science & Engineering

  • Name:Lai Xuejia
  • Title:Professor
  • Office:3-423
  • Office Phone:34205440
  • Website:

Research Field

crypto-algorithms; DNA-cryptography; Netwrok Security;


B.Sc. In El. Ing. In 1982, Xidian Univ.

M.Sc. Math. In 1984 at the Xidian Univ.

Ph.D. of sc. Techn in 1992 at ETH Zurich.

Work experience

93: R3 security engineering

97: Entrust Tech.

01: SWIS Group


Design and analysis of block ciphers.

Design and analysis of hash functions.

DNA computing anf cryptosystems

Security of system and applications like EFI, P2P, Mobile-nework 

Awards and Honors


Crypto Engineering

Computer Security

Discrete Mathematics

IT-security Standard


1. Xiaoyun Wang, Dengguo Feng, Xuejia Lai, Hongbo Yu: Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD.rump session of Crypto’04, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report2004/199, 2004.
2. Xiaoyun Wang, Xuejia Lai, Dengguo Feng: Cryptanalysis of the Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD, EUROCRYPT 2005, LNCS 3494, pp.1-18, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
3. Kefei Chen, Robert Deng, Xuejia Lai and Jianying Zhou (Editors), Information Security Practice and Experience , Proceedings of ISPEC 2006, LNCS 3903, Springer, 2006.
4. 肖国镇,卢明欣,秦磊,来学嘉. 密码学的新领域--DNA密码, 科学通报 51卷10期, p.1139-1144. 2006年5月.
5. XIAO Guozhen, LU Mingxin, QIN Lei, LAI Xuejia, New field of Cryptography: DNA Cryptography. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51(12):1413-1420.
6. 卢明欣, 来学嘉(并列第一作者), 肖国镇,秦磊. 基于DNA技术的对称加密方法。中国科学E辑:信息科学,2007年 第37卷第2期:175-182.
7. LU Mingxin, LAI Xuejia, XIAO Guozhen,QIN Lei. Symmetric-Key Cryptosystem with DNA technology. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences. June 2007 vol.50,no.3,pp 324-333.
8. Jie Liang, Xuejia Lai. Improved Collision Attack on Hash Function MD5. Journal of Computer Science&Technology. Jan. 2007, Vol.22, No.1, pp.79-87.
9. 谢勇,来学嘉,邓子健, EFI及其安全性研究, 信息安全与通信保密, 2007年第8期 175-177,(文章编号 1002-0802(2007)08-0175-03.
10. Zhongmei Wan, Xuejia Lai, Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Two Proxy Signature Schemes, Proceedings of ChianCrypt’2007, pp 151-158.
11. Zijian Deng, Xuejia Lai. A new architecture of sensitive file management based on Dual-Core and EFI. IEEE SITIS 2007. pp 170-176.
12. Zheng Gong, Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen, "A synthetic indifferentiability analysis of some block-cipher-based hash functions," Designs, Codes and Cryptography 48:3 September 2008.
13. Zijian Deng, Xuejia Lai, Dake He. A linguistic reputation system applied in Peer-to-Peer. IEEE ICALIP2008. pp 273 - 278. (EI:083911587617,ISTP: BIB51)
14. 邓子健,来学嘉,何大可. 基于EFI和双核处理器的DRM Agent.计算机应用研究. 2009,26(1):352-355.
15. 邓子健,来学嘉,何大可. 基于自然语言的P2P信誉系统。计算机工程,2009,35(12):32-33.
16. Lu, Xian Hui, Lai, Xue Jia, He, Da Ke and Li, Guo Min, Security analysis of a public key encryption scheme based on attack classification (Chinese), J. Wuhan Univ. Natur. Sci. Ed. 54 (2008), no. 5, 543--546; MR2467055.
17. CHEN Jia, XUE Dongyue, LAI Xuejia, An Analysis of International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA) Security against Differential Cryptanalysis,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13 No.6, 641-768, Dec. 2008.
18. Zhong-mei Wan, Xue-jia Lai, Jian Weng, Xuan Hong, Yu Long and Wei-wei Jia, On constructing certificateless proxy signature from certificateless signature,J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), 2008, 13(6): 692–694.
19. Yiyuan Luo and Xuejia Lai,,On the security of multivariate hash functions,J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), 2009, 14(2): 219-222.
20. 杨晓元, 黎茂棠, 韩益亮, 魏立线, 来学嘉. “基于ACJT的广义群签密方案”[J]. 《计算机工程与应用》,2008,44(31):128-131.
21. Kefei Chen, Ling Dong and Xuejia Lai, Security Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Based on Trusted Freshness, Journal of KIISC, Vol. 18 No.6 (B) pp.219-232, December 2008.
22. Xian-hui Lu, Xue-jia Lai and Da-ke He The gap between intractable problem and adaptive chosen ciphertext security, J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.) 14(1):90-93, 2009.
23. Ling Dong, Ke-fei Chen and Xue-jia Lai, Formal analysis of authentication in 802.11i , J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.) 14(1):122-128, 2009.
24. 董玲,陈克非,来学嘉.密码协议分析的信任多集方法.软件学报,2009,20(11):3060-3076
25. Xiaorui Sun and Xuejia Lai, Improved Integral Attacks on MISTY1, Proceedings of SAC2009, LNCS 5867, pp.266-280, Springer, 2009.
26. Xiaorui Sun and Xuejia Lai, The Key-Dependent Attack on Block Ciphers, Proceedings of Asiacrypt2009,LNCS 5912, pp19-36. Springer,2009.
27. Xianhui Lu, Xuejia Lai, Dake He, Improved efficiency of Kiltz07-KEM, Information Processing Letters, Volume 109, Issue 18, 31 August 2009, Pages 1093-1096
28. 罗一鸣, 来学嘉,P2P 网络中基于电子货币的权利转移方案, 计算机应用与软件,2009(已录用)
29. 葛颖彦,来学嘉,VoIP系统中RTP攻击的实现与防范,信息安全与通信保密,2009年第11 期,98-99。
30. 黄佳琳, 来学嘉, 随机性测试的淘汰能力和相关性,信息安全与通信保密, 2009年第10 期,43-46.
31. 杨默涵, 来学嘉,布尔函数代数次数的计算方法,密码学进展,中国密码学会2009年会论文集,35-42.
32. Yaying Xiao and Xuejia Lai,A Secure Implementation of White-Box AES, MPIS2009.
33. 肖雅莹, 来学嘉, 白盒密码及SMS4算法的白盒实现, 密码学进展,中国密码学会2009年会论文集,24-34。
34. Zhong-mei WAN, Jian WENG, Xue-jia LAI, Sheng-li LIU, Ji-guo Li,On the Relation between Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption and Mediated Identity-Based Encryption, Journal of Information Science and Engineering 25, 1-XXX (2009)。
35. Zhong-mei WAN, Xue-jia LAI, Jian WENG, Sheng-li LIU, Yu LONG, Xuan HONG, Identity-based key-insulated proxy signature, Journal of Electronis(China), Vol.26(6):853-858, 2009.
36. Zhong-mei WAN, Xue-jia LAI, Jian WENG, Sheng-li LIU, Xuan HONG, Certificateless Key-Insulated Signature Without Random Oracles, Journal of Zhejiang Univ Sci A,2009 Vol. 10 No. 12 p. 1790~1800。
37. Zhongming Wu, Yiyuan Luo, Xuejia Lai and Bo Zhu, Improved Cryptanalysis of FOX Block Cipher,Proceedings of INTRUST 2009, 224-273.
38. Bo Zhu, Kefei Chen and Xuejia Lai, Bitwise Higher Order Differential Cryptanalysis, Proceedings of INTRUST 2009,LNCS, Springer, 2010。
39. 方习文,来学嘉,基于线性自组装的DNA减法模运算,科学通报,2010,55: 957-963
40. Fang XiWen,Lai XueJia, DNA modular subtraction algorithm based on linear self-assembly, Chinese Sci Bull, May 2010, Vol.55 No 15:1574-1580,doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-3125-4.
41. 吴中明, 朱红儒, 来学嘉,一种安全P2P网络的信任评估机制,信息网络安全,108期(2009.12), 69-71.
42. XueJia Lai, MingXin Lu, Lei Qin, JunSong Han & XiWen Fang,Asymmetric encryption and signature method with DNA technology, Science China Information Sciences, Volume 53 Number 3, 506 – 514, 2010.
43. 来学嘉, 卢明欣, 秦磊, 韩峻松, 方习文, 基于DNA技术的非对称加密与签名方法, 中国科学F辑:信息科学,2010 Vol. 40 (2): 240-248.
44. 来学嘉, 肖雅莹,白盒密码的设计与研究,信息安全与通信保密, 2010年第2 期,45-48.
45. Yiyuan Luo, Qi Chai, Guang Gong and Xuejia Lai,A Lightweight Stream Cipher WG-7 for RFID Encryption and Authentication,Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2010,
46. Yiyuan Luo, Xuejia Lai, Zheng Gong and Zhongming Wu, Pseudorandomness Analysis of the (Extended) Lai-Massey Scheme, Information Processing Letters.

