Computer Science & Engineering

  • Name:Ma Lizhuang
  • Title:Professor
  • Office:34204586
  • Office Phone:34204439
  • Website:

Research Field

Computer Graphics, Digital Media, Computer Animation,Image Processing, Intelligent Processing of Big Data.


received Ph.D. at the State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University,1991. His supervisors are Prof. Liang Youdong and Prof. Peng Qunsheng

Work experience

From March 2002, Distinguished Prof., Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Nov.2000-March 2002, Prof. of Computer Science, State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University.
Sept. 1999-Nov. 2000, visiting Prof., CAMtech, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
July. 1998-Dec. 1998, visiting Prof. at Fraunhofer IGD,D-64283, Darmstadt, Germany.
Dec. 1995 -Dec. 1997, Prof. of Computer Science, State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University.
Dec. 1993 - Dec. 1995, Associate Prof., State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University.
Jan. 1992 - Dec. 1993,Post Doctor, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University.


1. Techniques for Complicated Scene Modeling and Super-high Resolution Rendering, NSFC Key Project No.61133009, RMB2.7million, 2012.1-2016.12, Principal Investigator.
2. Image Enhancement for Video, NSF of China, RMB 380 thousands,2011.1-2013.12, Principal Investigator.
3. Material Edition for Visual Media on Internet and Key Techniques for Animation, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai, RMB 1 million, 2009.6-2011.6.
4. Interactive Invention Techniques and System for Animation, Key 863 Program, Minister of Science and Technology of China, RMB 2.7millions, 2009.1-2010.12, Principal Investigator.
5. Image Based Realistic Modeling and Rendering of Objects with Specular Reflection, grant 60873136, National Science Foundation of China, RMB 380 thousands, 2009.1-2011.12, Head
6. Volume Modeling for Scientific Data Visualization, grant 69625304, NSF of China & Prime Minister Foundation for China national excellent young scientists, RMB 600 thousands 1997.1-1999.12, Head
7. Realistic Modeling and Motion Controlling Techniques of Human Body by Data Driven, grant 60573147, NSF of China, RMB 260 thousands, 2006.1-2008.12, Head.
8. Scanned Data Reconstruction Based on RBF Interpolation and Multi-resolution Representation, grant 60373070, NSF of China, RMB 200 thousands, 2004.1-2006.12, Head.
9. Large-scale applications and recognition with big data of human faces towards internet finance,Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai, RMB 2.04 million, 2016.6-2018.6, Head.
10.Reverse-age face beautification based on hierarchical saliency and age evolution characteristics. NSFC of China, RMB 840 thousands, 2015.1-2018.12, Head.

Awards and Honors

1. Leading Talent, awarded by Shanghai Government, 2009
2. Second Prize of Science and Technology, awarded by China National Education Bureau
3. China National Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists, awarded by China National Science and Technology Committee, 1998.
4. .Top first class honor members of National Hundred-Thousand-Ten-thousands Plan” awarded by seven national bureaus including China National Personnel Bureau, National Education Committee etc., 1997.
5. Leading Directors of Disciplines among Mid-age researchers” awarded by the Education Committee of Zhejiang Province, 1998.
6. Honor award of China National Excellent Young Scientist Foundation”, namely Prime Minister Foundation”. It is awarded by the Special Committee of National Excellent Young Scientist Foundation assigned by Prime Minister and Committee of National Science Foundation in 1996.
7. Honor Award of HUO Ying-Dong Foundation for Excellent Young Teachers” by China National Education Committee in 1995.
8. Award of Excellent Young Teachers of Zhejiang University in 1994.
9. First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award,20114281-1-R04,2011.
10. Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award,20144067-2-R01,2014.


For Master degree and PhD students:
1. Scientific Data Visualization,
2. Computer Graphics,


In recent three years(2011-2017)
(1)Lizhuang Ma, Bing Sheng and Zhifeng Xi, Digital Animation Creation and Post Video Processing Techniques, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press(in Chinese), ISBN978-7-313-10825-8,2014.8.
(2) Xiaoyong Shen, Qiong Yan, Li Xu, Lizhuang Ma, Jiaya Jia, “Multispectral Joint Image Restoration via Optimizing a Scale Map”, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 2015. 37(12).
(3) Hao Du, Shengfeng He, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, and Rynson W. H. Lau, “Saliency-Guided Color-to-Gray Conversion Using Region-Based Optimization”, IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, 24(1), 2015.
(4) Weisi Gu, Mei-e Fang*, Lizhuang Ma, “High-quality Topological Structure Extraction of Volumetric Data on C2-continuous Framework”, Computer Aided Geometric Design, May, 2015, Vol 35-36.PP215-224.
(5) Shouhong Ding, Bin Sheng, Xiaonan Hou, Zhifeng Xie, Lizhuang Ma ,Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Multi-Scale Measurements and Sparsity: Intrinsic Image Decomposition, Computer Graphics Forum, May 2016.
(6) Shouhong Ding, Bin Sheng, Zhifeng Xie, Lizhuang Ma,Intrinsic image estimation using near-L0sparse optimization, The Visual Computer, First Online: 25 January 2016.
(7) Li Xia, Bin Sheng, Wen Wu, Lizhuang Ma, Ping Li, Accurate gaze tracking from single camera using gabor corner detector. Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(1): 221-239 (2016).
(8) Xiaonan Hou, Shouhong Ding, Lizhuang Ma, “Similarity Metric Learning for Face Verification Using Sigmoid Decision Function”, The Visual Computer, April 2015, pp 1-12. SCI
(9) Xiaoxin Fang, Bin Sheng, Wen Wu, Zengzhi Fan, Lizhuang Ma, “Real-time depth-of-field rendering using single-layer composition”, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2014,25: 233–241, SCI.
(10) Xiao Lin, Yinglan Ma, Lizhuang Ma, Ruiling Zhang, “A survey for image resizing”, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 09/2014; 15(9): 697-716. SCI.
(11) Li Xia, Bin Sheng, Wen Wu, Lizhuang Ma, Ping Li, “Accurate gaze tracking from single camera using gabor corner detector”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Oct/2014: 1-19. SCI.
(12) Xudong Jiang, Bin Sheng, Weiyao Lin, Wei Lu, Lizhuang Ma, “Anti-aliasing techniques for internet visual media processing: a review”, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, September 2014, Volume 15, Issue 9, pp 717-728. SCI.
(13) Lizhuang Ma,“Intelligent processing of big data of visual media”, invited talk, MVI2014 , Waseda University, Japan, 2014.10.
(14) Xiao Yu Chen, Li Zhuang Ma, Na Chu, Min Zhou, and Yiyang Hu, “Classification and Progression Based on CFS-GA and C5.0 Boost Decision Tree of TCM Zheng in Chronic Hepatitis B”, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 695937, 9 pages, Research Article.
(15) Yong Li, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, Wen Wu, “Temporally Coherent Video Saliency Using Regional Dynamic Contrast [J]”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 23, No. 12, 2013.p.2067-2076.
(16) Yan Wang, Lizhuang Ma, “Zheng Classification with Missing Feature Values Using Local-Validity Approach”,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 493626, 6 pages.
(17) Mingang Chen,Wenjun Cai, Lizhuang Ma, “Cloud Computing Platform for an Online Model Library System”,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013 (2013), Article ID 3690.
(18) Shao Z, Ding S, Zhu H, et al. Face alignment by deep convolutional network with adaptive learning rate[C]//2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2016: 1283-1287.
(19) Weijian Cao, Shouhong Ding, Lizhuang Ma, Illumination Invariant Mesh Coloring, The 15th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2016).
(20) Fan Li, Lizhuang Ma.Combined Saliency Enhancement Based On Fully Convolutional Network[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Communications. Washington D C: IEEE Press,2016:464-468.
(21) Hou X, Ding S, Ma L. Robust feature encoding for age-invariant face recognition[C]//Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 1-6.
(22) Yangyang Hao ,Hengliang Zhu , Kai Wu,Lizhuang Ma.Salient Points Guided Face Alignment. HHME2016.
(23) Kai Wu, Hengliang Zhu, Yangyang Hao, Lizhuang Ma. High-quality initial shape estimation for cascade shape regression, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2016.
(24) Kaihua Tan,Sei-ichiro Kamata,Xiaonan Hou,Shouhong Ding,Lizhuang Ma, Eigen-Aging Reference Coding for Cross-Age Face Verification and Retrieval ACCV 2016
(25) Zhu H,Sheng B,Lin X,etal. Foreground Object Sensing for Saliency Detection[C]// ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. ACM, 2016:111-118.
(26) Shao Z, Ding S, Zhao Y, et al. Learning deep representation from coarse to fine for face alignment[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.00207, 2016.
(27) Chengjie Wang, Kamata Sei-ichiro, Lizhuang Ma,“A fast multi-view based specular removal approach for pill extraction”,ICIP2013.
(28) Weichen Xue, Xiangze Zhang, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma,“Image-based depth-of-field rendering with non-local means filtering”,ICME 2013.p.1-6.
(29) Weichen Xue, Dong Xing, Ming Lin, Jing Wang, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma,“Depth-of-field Rendering with Saliency-based Bilateral Filtering”,CAD/graphics 2013.
(30) Kai Yu, Shang Wu, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma,“Layered depth-of-field rendering using color spreading”,The 12th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, 2013. p77-82.
(31) Lizhuang Ma,“Intelligent processing of big data of visual media”, UK-China Joint International Conference on Digital Media, 2013 Invited talk, Hangzhou, China, 2013.10.
(32) Lizhuang Ma,“Intelligent processing and applications of big Data of Visual Media”, 2013 International Workshop on Machine Vision and Industrial Innovation, invited talk, Waseda University, Japan, 2013.
(33) Hanyang Xu, Zhou Zeng, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, “Fast vehicle detection based on feature and real-time prediction”, The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2013) .
(34) Mingang Chen, Lizhuang Ma, and Wenjun Cai, “A Comprehensive Multimedia Material Library System with Semantic Expansion Retrieval”, Advanced Science Letters, 2012, Vol.10, pp.450-458.
(35) Na Chu, Ma Lizhuang, Zhiying Che, Min Zhou, and Xiaoyu Chen, “A new hybrid PET algorithm for improving probability-based ranking for Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis in TCM”, Advanced Science Letters, 2012, Vol.10, pp.544-548.
(36) Lizhuang Ma, “The creative techniques and design system for animation”, Asia Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2012), keynote speech, Dec.6, 2012, Hokkaido, Japan.
(37) Zhifeng Xie, Rynson W.H. Lau, Yan Gui, Mingang Chen and Lizhuang Ma, “Gradient-domain-based Edge-preserving Sharpen Filter”, The Visual Computer, 28(12):1195-1207, 2012.
(38) Shen Yang, Lin Xiao, Lizhuang Ma, Gao Yan, Shen bin, Liu Qisong, “Video Composition by Optimized 3D Mean-Value Coordinates”, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds ,2012, 23(3),179-190.
(39) Mingang Chen, Bo-Cong Sui, Yan Gao, Li-Zhuang Ma, “Efficient video cutout based on adaptive multilevel banded method”, Science China (Information Sciences), 2012, 55(5), 1082—1092.
(40) Lin Xiao, Sheng Bin, Ma Lizhuang, Shen Yang & Chen Zhihua, “Seamlet carving for shape-aware image resizing”, Science China (Information Sciences), 2012, 55(5), 1073–1081.
(41) Qing-Liang Lin, Bin Sheng, Yang Shen, Zhi-Feng Xie, Zhi-Hua Chen, and Li-Zhuang Ma, Member, CCF, “Fast Image Correspondence with Global Structure Projection”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(6): 1281-1288, Nov. 2012.
(42) Shou-Hong Ding, Fei-Yue Huang, Zhi-Feng Xie, Yong-Jian Wu, Bin Sheng, and Li-Zhuang Ma, Member, CCF. , “A Customized Framework to Recompress Massive Internet Images”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2012,V27(6): 1129-1139.
(43) Zhifeng Xie, Qingliang Lin, Lizhuang Ma, Zhihua Chen , “Sharpness Transfer for High-quality Image Composition”,Advance Science Letter, 2012,10, 435-442.
(44) Shang Wu, Kai Yu, Bin Sheng, Feiyue Huang, Feng Gao and Lizhuang Ma, “Accurate Depth-of-Field Rendering Using Adaptive Bilateral Depth Filtering”, Computational Visual Media Conference 2012, Aug. 18, 2012.
(45) Xiaoyu Chen, Lizhuang Ma, Na Chu and Yiyang Hu, “Syndrome discrimination model of traditional Chinese medicine for chronic hepatitis B”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshop, 2012:310-315.
(46) Bin Sheng, Xiao Lin, Lizhuang Ma, Kai Yu, Dawei Liu, “Non-photorealistic Virtual Sculpting on Graphics Hardware”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 05/2012; 10(1):486-490. SCI.
(47) Na Chu, Zhiying Che, Xiaoyu Chen, Min Zhou, Lizhuang Ma, and YuZhao, “Hybrid Feature Selection based on Multi-view for Improved Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis”, Chinese Journal of Integrated traditional and western medicine, 2012, (SCI-E, accepted).
(48) Zhifeng Xie, Rynson Lau, Yan Gui, Lizhuang Ma, “Efficient Eage-Preserving Sharpness Enhancement in The Gradient Domain”, The Visual Computer, 2011, accepted.
(49) Shen Yang, Lizhuang Ma,“Removing the Motion Blurring from Video”,ETCS2011.
(50) Yan Gui, Mingang Chen, Lizhuang Ma, Zhihua Chen,“Texel based Regular and Near-regular Texture Characterization”,2011 International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing, 2011.
(51) Jiahua Chen, Zhifeng Xie, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma,“Motion Debluring from A Single Image Using Gradient Enhancement”. 10th ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI, Dec.11-12, 2011, Hong Kong ,China.
(52) Xiaoyu Chen, Lizhuang Ma, Na Chu and Yiyang Hu, “A Model of Decision Tree Algorithm and Discrimination Analysis for Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis B in TCM”, IEEE ICBB Workshop, 2011:817-822.


Steering Committee member, International Federation on Information Processing.
Editor, Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics.
Director, Special Committee of Computer Animation and Digital Entertainment, Chinese Image and Graphics Association.
Vice-director, Association of Intelligent CAD and Digital Arts, Chinese Artificial Intelligent Association.
Vice director of academic committee, Shanghai Engineering Center of Motion Picture Special Effects.
Associate Editor, Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology ( India ).
Associate Editor, International Journal of Production Research (IJPR).
Chairman, IFIP-ICEC’2007 Program Committee, and Executive Committee.
Chairman, ACDDE’2011, DEA’2013, CIDE’2014, GDC’2015, CAD/Graphics’2015.