Computer Science & Engineering

  • Name:Zhang Liqing
  • Title:Professor
  • Office:3-435
  • Office Phone:34204423
  • Website:

Research Field

Computational model for Perception and Cognition; Learning and Memory in Cortical Networks, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Brain-Computer Interface; Statistical Learning and Inference


1979~1983 Bachelor Degree, Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou University
1983~1995 Master Program, Department of Computer Science, Zhongshan University
1985~1988 PhD Degree, Department of Computer Science, Zhongshan University

Work experience

2002.9~ Now, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. 1997.11-2002.08,Research Scientist, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan. 1995.11-1997.10,Professor, School of Electrics and Information, South China University of Technology
1990.11-1995.10, Associate Professor, School of Electrics and Information, South China University of Technology
1988.07-1990.10,Lecturer, School of Electrics and Information, South China University of Technology


BCI based Vecheicle Navidation and Control Technology, Supported by National Science Foundation of China (2010-2012)
◇ Global Feature Forming and Analysis in Cortical Networks, Supported by National Hi-Tech Research Program of China (2006-2008)
◇ Computational Mechanism and Algorithms for Visual Information Representation, Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (2005-2009)
◇ Asymmetrical Tensor Sparse Factorization: Model and Algorithm, Supported by National Science Foundation of China (2008-2010)
◇ Hand-free Speech Enhancement and Recognition based on Microphone Array
◇ Smart-wear: Brain-Inspired Multimodal User Interface for Future Service

Awards and Honors


Artificial Intelligence (For undergraduate students) (

Statistical Learning (For Graduate Student) (


1. Q. Zhao, C. Caiafa, D. Mandic, Z. Chao, Y. Nagasaka, N. Fujii, Liqing Zhang and A. Cichocki, Higher-Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS): A Generalized Multi-Linear Regression Method, IEEE PAMI, 35(7): 1660-1673, July, 2013
2. Qibin Zhao, Guoxu Zhou, Tülay Adali, Liqing Zhang, and Andrzej Cichocki, "Kernelization of Tensor-Based Models for Multiway Data Analysis: Processing of Multidimensional Structured Data," Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , vol.30, no.4, pp.137,148, July 2013
3. Junhua Li, Jianyi Liang, Qibin Zhao, Jie Li, Kan Hong, Liqing Zhang and Andrzej Cichocki, Design of Assistive Wheelchair System Directly Steered by Human Thoughts, International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3 1350013 (12 pages), 2013
4. Q. Zhao, Liqing Zhang and A. Cichocki, A Tensor-Variate Gaussian Process for Classification of Multidimensional Structured Data, AAAI2013, July 14-18, 2013, Bellevue, USA
5. Q. Zhao, G Zhou, T Adali, L Zhang, A Cichocki Kernel-based tensor Partial Least Squares for reconstruction of limb movements. In: Machine Learning for Signal Processing, ICASSP2013, May 26-31, Vancouver, Canada, 2013
6. Jie Wu and Liqing Zhang, GESTALT SALIENCY: SALIENT REGION DETECTION BASED ON GESTALT PRINCIPLES, ICIP 2013, Sept. 15-18, Melbourne, Australia
7. Zhenbang Sun, Changhu Wang, Liqing Zhang, and Lei Zhang, Free Hand-Drawn Sketch Segmentation, 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2012), Firenze, Italy, Oct.7-13, 2012
8. Zhenbang Sun, Changhu Wang, Liqing Zhang and Lei Zhang, Query-Adaptive Shape Topic Mining for Hand-Drawn Sketch Recognition, ACM Multimedia 2012, Nara, Japan, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
9. Rong Zhou, Liuli Chen and Liqing Zhang, Sketch-based Image Retrieval on a Large Scale Database, ACM Multimedia 2012, Nara, Japan, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
10.Junhua Li and Liqing Zhang, Active training paradigm for motor imagery BCI, Experimental Brain Research, 219(2): 245-254, Apr 5, 2012
11.Wenjun Zhu, Liqing Zhang, Qianwei Bian, A hierarchical latent topic model based on sparse coding, Neurocomputing, 76(1): 28-35, January 2012
12.Yang Cao, Wang Changhu, Zhang Liqing, Lei Zhang, Edgel Inverted Index for Large-Scale Sketch-based Image Search, CVPR2011, Colorado Springs, 2011
13.Qiang Wu, Liqing Zhang and Guangchuan Shi, Robust Multifactor Speech Feature Extraction Based on Gabor Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol.19(4): 927-936, 2011
14.Q. Zhao, C. Caiafa, D. Mandic, L. Zhang, T. Ball, A. Bonhage, A. Cichocki, A Multilinear Subspace Regression Method Using Orthogonal Tensors Decompositions, 25th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2011), Granada, Spain, 2011
15.Yang Cao, Hai Wang, Changhu Wang, Zhiwei Li, Liqing Zhang, Lei Zhang, *MindFinder: Interactive Sketch-based Image Search on Millions of Images, ACM Multimedia 2010, pp1605-1608 (Best Demo Award), October 25-29, Firenze, Italy
16.Yang Cao, Changhu Wang, Zhiwei Li, Liqing Zhang, Lei Zhang, Spatial-Bag-of-Features, CVPR2010, June 14-16, 2010, San Francisco, USA
17.Cheng Peng, Liqing Zhang, and Teresa Head-Gordon, Instantaneous Normal Modes as an Unforced Reaction Coordinate for Protein Conformational Transitions, Biophysical Journal, 2010 May 19;98(10):2356-64
18.Jie Li, Liqing Zhang, Regularized tensor discriminant analysis for single trial EEG classification in BCI, Pattern Recognition Letters 31: 619–628, (2010)
19.Qibin Zhao, Liqing Zhang and Andrzej Cichocki, EEG-based asynchronous BCI control of a car in 3D virtual reality environments, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(1):78-87, 2009
20.Jie Li, Liqing Zhang, Dacheng Tao, Han Sun and Qibin Zhao, A Prior Neurophysiologic Knowledge Free Tensor-based Scheme for Single Trial EEG Classification (Abstract), IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(2):107-115,2009
21.Xiaodi Hou, Liqing Zhang, Dynamic Visual Attention: Searching for coding length increments, Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS2008) , Vol 21, pp681-688, Vancouver, 2008 [Algorithm, Data, Citations ]
22.Cichocki, Y. Washizawa, T. Rutkowski, H. Bakardjian, A. Phan, S. Choi, H. Lee, Q. Zhao, L. Zhang, and Y. Li, Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface: Current Trends and Challenges in Signal Processing - Multiway Array Decompositions, (ABSTRACT). IEEE Computer Invited Paper, Vol. 41(10), pp.34-42, October, 2008
23.Zhaoshui He, Shengli Xie, Liqing Zhang, and Andrzej Cichocki,A Note on Lewicki-Sejnowski Gradient for Learning Overcomplete Representations, Neural Comp. 2008. 20:636-643.
24.Libo Ma, and Liqing Zhang, Overcomplete topographic independent component analysis, Neurocomputing, Volume 71, Issues 10-12, Pages 2217-2223, June 2008
25.Yang Wenlu, Zhang Liqing and Ma Libo, Computational model for perception of objects and motions, Science in China, Series C: Life Science, Vol.51, No.6, pp526-536, 2008
26.Xiaodi Hou, Liqing Zhang, Color Conceptualization, ACM Multimedia (ACMMM2007), September 24 - 29, 2007, Augsburg, Germany.
27.Xiaodi Hou and Liqing Zhang, Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '07), 17-22, Minneapolis, MN, USA. June , 2007. [Algorithm, Data, Citations]
28.L. Zhang, A. Cichocki and S. Amari, Multichannel Channel Blind Deconvolution of Non-minimum Phase Systems Using Filter Decomposition, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 52, No5, pp1431-1442, 2004 [Algorithm, Citations ]
29.L. Zhang, A. Cichocki and S. Amari, Self-Adaptive Blind Source Separation Based on Activation function Adaptation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.15, No.2, pp233-244, 2004 [Algorithm, Citations]
30.L. Zhang S. Amari and A. Cichocki, Semi-parametric Model and Superefficiency in Blind Deconvolution, Signal Processing, 81:2535-2553, 2001
31.L. Zhang and A. Cichocki, Blind Deconvolution of Dynamical Systems: A State Space Approach, Invited paper, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.4, No.2, pp.111-130, 2000.
32.L. Zhang, A. Cichocki and S. Amari, Semiparametric Approach for Blind Deconvolution of Non-minimum Phase Systems, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, (NIPS12)Editors: S.A. Solla, T.K. Leen and K.-R. Muller , MIT Press, pp363-369, 2000.
33.L. Zhang and A. Cichocki, Blind Separation of Filtered Source Using State-Space Approach, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, (NIPS11)Editors: M.S. Kearns, S.A. Solla and D.A. Cohn, MIT press, pp648-654, 1999
34.L. Zhang, A. Cichocki and S. Amari, Natural Gradient Algorithm to Blind Separation of Over-determined Mixture with Additive Noises, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp293-295, 1999.

