Electronic Engineering

  • Name:Jiang Chun
  • Title:Professor
  • Office:5-209
  • Office Phone:34204599
  • Email:cjiang@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Website:

Research Field

1.Photonic material and device
2.Optical fiber communication


Chun Jiang received his BS degree from Dalian Polytechnic University, and his MS and PhD degrees from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1989, 1996 and 1999, respectively, all in material and device.

Work experience

From 1999 to 2001, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. From 2001 to 2004, he was an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, and he has been a professor since 2004. From 2005 to 2006, he visited the Research Laboratory of Electronics and Physics Department of MIT


His research effort has been the photonic material and device. He is the author or co-author of over 100 journal articles, and holds more than ten issued Chinese patents.

Awards and Honors

1.Natural Science Award granted by Shanghai Municipal Government 2009
2.Natural Science Award granted by Ministry of Education of the State 2007
3.Pujiang Excellent Scholar in Shanghai 2007
4.New Century Excellent Scholar in China 2004


1.Optoelectronics,for undergraduates.


1.Zang, X F ; Li, JJ ; Mao, JF ; Jiang, C , Experimental demonstration of the wave squeezing effect based on inductor-capacitor networks, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101(7), AUG 13 2012.
2.Zhu Haibin; Jiang Chun; Optical Isolation Based on Nonreciprocal Micro-Ring Resonator, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 29(11) 1647- 1651 ,JUN 1 2011
3.Zhu Haibin; Jiang Chun; Nonreciprocal extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength slits in metallic film,OPTICS LETTERS , 36( 8) 1308- 1310 , APR 15 2011
4.Zhu Haibin; Jiang Chun; Extraordinary Coupling Into One-Way Magneto-Optical Photonic Crystal Waveguide , JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY , 29(5),708-713, MAR 1 2011
5.Dai Lei; Liu Yang; Jiang Chun; Plasmonic-dielectric compound grating with high group-index and transmission, OPTICS EXPRESS, 19(2) 1461-1469, JAN 17 2011
6.Tang Bin; Dai Lei; Jiang Chun; Electromagnetically induced transparency in hybrid plasmonic-dielectric system, OPTICS EXPRESS ,19(2), 628-637, JAN 17 2011
7.Zang Xiaofei; Jiang Chun, Manipulating the field distribution via optical transformation, OPTICS EXPRESS , 18(10)10168-10176, MAY 10 2010
8.Zang Xiaofei; Jiang Chun, Two-dimensional elliptical electromagnetic superscatterer and superabsorber, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18(7) 6891-6899, MAR 29 2010
9.Zhu Haibin; Jiang Chun, Broadband unidirectional electromagnetic mode at interface of anti-parallel magnetized media, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18(7): 6914-6921,: MAR 29 2010
10.Dai Lei; Jiang Chun, Bistability by Slow Light Photonic Crystal Waveguide , JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 28(6)905-909 ,MAR 15 2010
11.Dai, L; Jiang, C, Anomalous near-perfect extraordinary optical absorption on subwavelength thin metal film grating, OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (22): 20502-20514 OCT 26 2009
12.Zang, XF; Jiang, C; Zhu, HB, Nonlinear modulation of Rabi oscillations in a one-dimensional nonlinear periodic photonic structure, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80 (3): Art. No. 036604 Part 2 SEP 2009
13.Dai,L; Jiang, C, Ultrawideband Low Dispersion Slow Light Waveguides, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 27 (14): 2862- 2868 JUL 15 2009
14.Jiang, C, Ultra-broadband amplification properties of Ni2+-doped glass-ceramics amplifiers, OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (8): 6759-6769 APR 13 2009
15.Jiang, C, Modeling a Broadband Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 79-84 JAN-FEB 2009
16.Jiang, C , Ultrabroadband Gain Characteristics of a Quantum-Dot-Doped Fiber Amplifier, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 140-144 JAN-FEB 2009
17.Xu, WH; Lin, YM; Jiang, C ,Er3+-Tm3+-Codoped Tellurite Fiber Amplifiers for WDM Systems: A Theoretical Analysis of BER and Bandwidth, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 45 (1-2): 3-9 JAN-FEB 2009
18.Jiang, C; Ibanescu, M; Joannopoulos, JD; et al. Zero-group-velocity modes in longitudinally uniform waveguides, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93 (24): Art. No. 241111 DEC 15 2008
19.Xu, WB; Jiang, C, Optimization of Broadband Gain Spectra of Cr4+:YAG Crystal Fiber Amplifier, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 14 (5): 1382-1386 SEP-OCT 2008
20.Ma, J; Jiang, C, Flatband slow light in asymmetric line-defect photonic crystal waveguide featuring low group velocity and dispersion, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 44 (7-8): 763-769 JUL-AUG 2008
21.Ma, J; Jiang, C, Demonstration of ultraslow modes in asymmetric line-defect photonic crystal waveguides, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 20 (13-16): 1237-1239 JUL-AUG 2008
22.Wang, FH; Ma, J; Jiang, C, Dispersionless slow wave in novel 2-D photonic crystal line defect waveguides, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 26 (9-12): 1381- 1386 MAY-JUN 2008
23.Jiang, XH; Jiang, C,A proposal for enhanced parametric amplification in periodic superstructure fiber, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 20 (9-12): 718-720 MAY-JUN 2008
24.Qu, Y; Ren, HL; Jiang, C ,A novel design of 2-d photonic crystal directional coupler with high extinction ratio and short coupling length, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 43 (11-12): 974-981 NOV-DEC 2007
25.Ren, HL; Jiang, C; Hu, WS; et al. Photonic crystal channel drop filter with a wavelength- selective reflection micro-cavity, OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (6): 2446-2458 MAR 20 2006
26.Jiang, C; Hu, WS; Zeng, QJ , Improved gain performance of high concentration Er3+- Yb3+- codoped phosphate fiber amplifier, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 41 (5): 704-708 MAY 2005
27.Gao, MY; Jiang, C; Hu, WS; et al. Optimized design of two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier with two-section nonlinear fibers using genetic algorithm, OPTICS EXPRESS, 12 (23): 5603-5613 NOV 15 2004
28.Zhang, W; Wang, C; Shu, JW; et al. Design of fiber-optical parametric amplifiers by genetic algorithm, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16 (7): 1652-1654 JUL 2004
29.Jiang, C; Hu, WS; Zeng, QJ, Improved gain characteristics of high concentration erbium-doped phosphate fiber amplifier, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16 (3): 774-776 MAR 2004
30.Jiang, C; Hu, WS; Zeng, QJ ,Numerical analysis of concentration quenching model of Er3+-doped phosphate fiber amplifier, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 39 (10): 1266-1271 OCT 2003

