Electronic Engineering

  • Name:YANG, Xuelin
  • Title:Professor,Ph.D.
  • Office:SEIEE 5-517
  • Office Phone:+86-21-34204596
  • Email:xuelinyang1@gmail.com
  • Website:http://english.seiee.sjtu.edu.cn/english/detail/842_803.htm

Research Field

1. High-speed signal processing in optical fiber telecommunication systems.
2. Nonlinear optical switches & applications.
3. Network infomation security.
4. Key generation & distribution technologies.


1. Sept. 1992 to Jul. 1995: Ph.D. Majoring in optics, Dept. of Applied Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2. Sept. 1990 to Jul. 1992: M.S, Majoring in optical signal processing, Dept. of Applied Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
3. Sept. 1984 to Jul. 1988: B.S, Majoring in semiconductor physics and devices, Dept. of Physics, Jiangxi University.

Work experience

Sept 2009 to present:
Dept of EE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor.
Oct. 2008 to Jul. 2009:
Dept of EE, Bangor University, UK, Senior Researcher, working on high-speed optical OFDM-PON systems.
Dec. 2004 to 2008:
Photonic Systems Group, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland, Senior Researcher, working on high-speed optical signal processing in optical telecommunication system and information security applications.
Oct. 2001 to Nov. 2004:
Department of Electronic Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, Research Fellow, working on high-speed optical signal processing in optical telecommunication system.
Sept. 1999 to Sept. 2001:
Laboratoire Stereochemie de Molecules & Interactions (STIM), Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS-Lyon), France, Postdoctoral Researcher, working on characterization of nonlinear optical chemical materials for laser safety applications.
Jul. 1995 to Aug. 1999:
Dept. of Applied Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor.


1. International S&T Cooperation Program of China, No. 2016YFE0104500, “All-optical high-speed switches”; 2016-2019.
2. Natural Science Fund of China, Grant No. 61571291,“Secure transmission technologies based on digital chaos in OFDM-PON”; 2015-2018.
3. Natural Science Fund of China, Grant No. 61177068, "Key techonolgies in high-speed optical firewall",2011-2014.
4. Natural Science Fund of China, Grant No. 61090393, "100Gb/s all-optical router",2012-2015.
5. Ministry of S&T of China, 863 Project,Grant No. 2013AA014503, "40Gb/s opto-electronic devices for WDM-PON", 2013-2016.
6. Ministry of S&T of China, 863 Project,Grant No. 2013AA014503, "Towards 100Gb/s OFDM-PON", 2013-2016.

Awards and Honors

1995, Excellent Postgraduate Student by Shanghai Government;
1999, Science & Technology Award of Shanghai, , third prize;
2000, Excellence in Teaching, third prize, by Chinese Ministry of Education


“Modern Physics”, “Laser Principles”, “Opto-Electronics” ,“Fiber-Optics”for Undergraduate/Graduated students.


1. L. Zhang, A. Hajomer, W. Hu, and X. Yang, “2.7 Gb/s Secure Key Generation and Distribution Using Bidirectional Polarization Scrambler in Fiber”,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,vol. 33, no. 6, pp.289-292, 2021
2. A. Hajomer, L. Zhang, X. Yang and W. Hu, "284.8-Mb/s Physical-Layer Cryptographic Key Generation and Distribution in Fiber Networks," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021 (In press).
3. A. Hajomer, L. Zhang, X. Yang, W. Hu “Post-Processing Protocol for Physical-Layer Key Generation and Distribution in Fiber Networks”,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,v.32, n.15,pp:901-904, Aug. 1, 2020
4. A. Sultan, X. Yang, A. Hajomer, S. B. Hussain and W. Hu, “Dynamic QAM Mapping for Physical-layer Security using Digital Chaos”,IEEE Access,vol.6,pp. 47199-47205, Aug. 2018.
5. Q. Weng, X.Yang and W.Hu, "Theoretical Analysis of High-Speed All-Optical Turbo-Switches", J. Selec. Top. Quant. Elect., 2012, 18(2), pp. 662-669
6. X. Yang, R.P. Webb, R.J. Manning, G.D. Maxwell, A.J. Poustie, S. Lardenois and D. Cotter, "Demonstration of All-Optical Pattern Recognition at 42Gbit/s", Europe conference on optical communication (ECOC), We2C1, Sept. 2008, Brussels, Belgium. (Invited Talk)

