Instrument Science and Engineering

  • Name:Tao Wei
  • Title:Associate Professor
  • Office:seiee building 2-333
  • Office Phone:021-34205931
  • Website:

Research Field

Photo-electronic sensors and vision measurement system, Nano-optical fibers technology and application, Laser bio-medical detection methods.


2003 Doctor: Department of Automatic Measurement and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology;
1999 Master: Department of Automatic Measurement and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology;
1997 Bachelor: Department of Mechanical-Electronic Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology;

Work experience

2006.08 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Instrument Science and Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;
2003.04-2006.08: Lecturer, Department of Instrument Science and Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;


1. Real-time monitoring of the generated Lactic acid and consumption of Oxygen during the Metabolism of live cells by nano-fiber optics, Sponsored by Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2010-2012;
2. Non-invasive on-body detection technique of human glucose with Photo-acoustic Spectrum, Sponsored by Fund of Shanghai Science and Technology Development, 2014.7-2017.9;
3. Key Technologies Study of the cell separation of somatic cell therapy, Sponsored by National High-tech R&D Program of China,2014.1-2016.12;
4. Research on 3D integrated vision sensor, Sponsored by Fund of Shanghai Science and Technology Development,2015.9-2018.8;
5. Mechanism and method of dual-parameter measurement with single fiber in cellular energy metabolism process, Sponsored by National Nature Science Foundation of China,2016.01-2018.12;
6. Whole Parameter Precision Measurement for Planetary Roller Screw Pair based on Vision method, Sponsored by National Nature Science Foundation of China,2017.1-2019.12;

Awards and Honors

1. "To build advanced monitoring and control technology curriculum system, training complex innovative engineering and technical personnel"of Shanghai Jiaotong University outstanding teaching achievement award,2016;
2. For four consecutive years of assessment of outstanding of Shanghai Jiaotong University,2013-2016;
3. Award of outstanding teacher of Shanghai Jiaotong University,2012;
4. Award of Science and Technology of Shanghai, 2007;
5. Scientific and Technological Achievement of China Instrument and Control Society,2007;
6. Award of Teaching Achievement of Shanghai, 2005;
7. Granted Invention Patent of China, 2005
8. Awards of National fine course of China, 2004;
9. Perfect paper of second class of the meeting of the national institute of instrumentation and apparatus, 2001;


1. Supervisor of BS students, Department of Instrument Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2003-present;
2. Supervisor of MA students, Department of Instrument Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2006- present;
3. Teaching class “Computer Vision and Measurement” and “Optoelectronic Measurement Technology” to undergraduate students of department of Instrumentation Science and Technology, 2003- present;
4. Teaching class “Modern Test Technology and System” to junior students of school of management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2004-2006;
5. Teaching class “Foundation of Test and Measurement Technology” to junior students of school of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 2005-present;
6. Teaching class “Sensors” for “training of measurement engineer”, held by China Instrument and Control Society, China,2005-2008;
7. Teaching class"Information and Perception",Shanghai Jiaotong University undergraduate general knowledge core course,2012-present;
8. Teaching class"Vision Measurement",English course.2012-present;
9. "Sensor principle course system construction", 985 three undergraduate creative talents training construction project, 2011 - 2013;
10. "Structural laser three-dimensional object topography measurement", Shanghai Jiaotong University experimental construction, 2012 - 2013;
11. "School-enterprise co-cultivation of professional measurement and testing talent", the national engineering degree graduate education subject, 2016.3-2017.3;


1. X.Q. Yin, W. Tao*, Y.Y. Feng, Q. Gao, Q.Z. He, AND H. Zhao. “A Novel Laser Stripe Extraction Method in Industrial Environments Utilizing Self-adaptive Convolution Technique”; Appplied Optics,2017, Vol.56,Issun 10:2653-2660.
2. S.W. Zhao, W. Tao*, Q.Z. He, H. Zhao and W.W. Cao. “A non-invasive photoacoustic and ultrasonic method for the measurement of glucose solution concentration”; AIP Advances,2017,online.
3. S.W. Zhao, W. Tao*, Q.Z. He, H. Zhao , H.W. Yang. “Glucose Solution Determination Based on Liquid Photoacoustic Resonance”; Applied Optics,2016, Vol. 56 No. 5.
4. S.Z. Xiao, W. Tao*, H. Zhao. “A Flexible Fringe Projection Vision System with Extended Mathematical Model for Accurate Three-Dimensional Measurement”; Sensors, 2016,16(5):612.
5. S.Z. Xiao, W. Tao *, H. Zhao. “An improved phase to absolute depth transformation method and depth-of-field extension”; Optik,2016,127(2):511-516.
6. W.J. Gao, W. Tao*, H. Zhao. “Simulation and Analysis of Magnetic Beads Sorting in High Gradient Magnetic Field and Efficiency Study”; Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,2016, Volume 646: 161-171.
7. Y.B. Bi, W. Tao, Y.L. Hu, Y.M. Mao, H. Zhao. “Luminescent sensing of dissolved oxygen based on Ru(II) complex embedded in sol-gel matrix”; SPIE,2015,Vol.9795,979520.
8. W. Tao, K. Jiang, H. Zhao. Real time Measurement for Deformation of Large Expansion Frame Based on Retro-reflective Technique and Vision Method. SPIE,2015, Vol.9446,944650.
9. S.Z. Xiao, W. Tao *, H. Yan, H. Zhao. “A new geometrical model and mathematical method for three-dimensional surface reconstruction based on phase-shifting structured light technique”; SPIE, 2014, Vol.9276,92761Z.
10. Y.L. Hu, W. Tao, Y.B. Bi, H. Zhao*. “A New Method of Real-time Detection of pH based on Polyaniline-coated Tapered Optical Fiber”; SPIE-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICS IN PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (ICOPEN2013), 2013, Vol.8769,87692O.
11. Z.M. Liu, W. Tao, H. Zhao*, J.K. Cheng. “The Phase Detection Method in Continuous Monitoring of pH during the process of cell culture”; SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 8759, Eighth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation, 2013,Vol.8759,875924.

