EE26009 Introduction of Modelling and Control for Power Electronics System

电力电子系统建模与控制 课程简介

                                                               Introduction of Modelling and Control for Power Electronics System


课程名称 (Course Name) Modelling and Control for Power Electronics System

课程代码 (Course Code):EE26009

学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours)2 / 36

开课时间 (Course Term ) Spring semester

开课学院(School Providing the Course: 电子信息与电气工程学院  SEIEE

任课教师(Teacher: 马柯 Ke Ma

课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours:  小时(Hours)

课程实验数(Lab Hours:  小时(Hours)

课程内容简介(Course Introduction):

The modeling and control of power electronic system is a basic course and important skill for the graduate students, especially in the field of Power Electronics and Motor Drive. In order to achieve satisfactory output performances/accuracies in various power conversion applications (both in dynamic and static), power electronic converters nowadays demand not only carefully-designed circuits, but also a reliable closed-loop control system. However, being as the control plant, the power electronic converters normally have strong non-linearity and complex circuit topologies, which result in challenges for correct extraction of mathematical models as well as the design of the control loop. The goal of this course is to clarify the commonly-used modeling ideas/theories in the field of power electronics; to introduce the control methods and modelling process for typical power electronic circuits; and to train the capability of analyzing and designing the control system for power electronics circuits.

This course starts with the basic DC-DC converter as an example, the operating modes, modeling methods, control methods as well as the design/realization of the control loop are first introduced. Afterwards, the course will put focus on the single phase and three-phase DC-AC converters, the coordinate transformation theory, modulation method, and the design of voltage/current feedback control loops, will be specified. Finally, some advanced control technologies such as LCL filter design/control, virtual impedance control and grid synchronization will be given.



教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):

This course will be arranged in the following 6 chapters, including some hours for practices in design and simulation. In addition to the content of the course, some simulation models and practices will be included under the PLECS simulation platform, in order to help students to better understand the key points of knowledge.

  1. Basic of Converter Modeling: state average concept; large/small signal modeling; DCM/CCM operation modes; models for normally used DC-DC converter topologies

  2. Basic of Converter Control: overview of converter control; Controller and control targets; current peak control for DC-DC converter and improvement; voltage control and feedback loop design for DC-DC converter

  3. DC-AC Converter Modeling: applications of DC-AC converter; single-phase inverter modeling; coordinate transformation theory; three-phase converter modeling

  4. DC-AC Converter Control: DC-AC converter control overview; PWM modulation technology and modeling; current control and feedback loop design; voltage control and feedback loop design

  5. Filter and Design: LC filter and control design; LCL filter and control design; Virtual impedance control

  6. Synchronization and Phase Locked Loop: single phase PLL technology, three-phase system PLL technology; PLL design, phase locked and control under voltage unbalance


    课程进度计划(Course Schedule):


    课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements)

    The course assessment is composed of 2 parts: Project designs accounting for 40 % of total scores (modelling, analyzing and design of control system for given applications of power converters); Class attendance and final examination accounting for 60 % of total scores.


    参考文献(Course References)

  1.  徐德鸿,电力电子系统建模及控制,机械工业出版社,2006.

  2. Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, 周克亮,王政,徐青山,光伏与风力发电系统并网变换器,机械工业出版社,第二版,2015.

  3. Robert W. Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Second Edition. Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000.

  4. Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power System, Wiley, 2011.


[ 2017-09-09 ]