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Undergraduate Trainning Plan of Control Science & Engineering (Grade 2013, SEIEE) 

For Reference Only

Sequence Number Course Code Course Name Credit Credit Hour Lecture Hour Experiment Hour Practical Training Hour Compter Operating Hour Course Design Semester Attribute Course Module Credit / Course Requirement 
1 TH000  思想道德修养与法律基础(Cultivation of Ethics and Fundamentals of Law) 3 34 34 17 1 Mandatory 25
2 TH004  军事理论(Military Theory) 1 17 17 17 1 Mandatory
3 PE001  体育(1)(Physical Education I) 1 34 34 1 Mandatory
4 EN025  大学基础英语(1)(University English I) 3 68 68 1 Mandatory
5 EN026  大学基础英语(2)(University English II) 3 68 72 2 Mandatory
6 PE002  体育(2)(Physical Education II) 1 34 36 2 Mandatory
7 TH021  中国近现代史纲要(Modern Chinese History) 2 34 36 18 2 Mandatory
8 PE003  体育(3)(Physical Education III) 1 34 36 3 Mandatory
9 TH007  马克思主义基本原理(Basic Theory of Marxism) 3 51 36 3 Mandatory
10 PE004  体育(4)(Physical Education IV) 1 34 36 4 Mandatory
11 TH012  毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics) 6 96 54 36 4 Mandatory
人文学科 ( Curriculum in Humanities) 8 Mandatory 21
社会科学 (Curriculum in Social Science) 4 Mandatory
自然科学与工程技术 (Curriculum in Natural Sciences & Engineering Technologies) 9 Mandatory
1 XP000  通识教育实践活动(General Education Practice) 2 34 2 Mandatory 2
1 MA080  高等数学(A)(1)(Advanced Mathematics I) 6 102 102 1 Mandatory 62
2 MA077  线性代数(B类)(Linear Algebra) 3 51 51 1 Mandatory
3 PH001  大学物理(A类)(1)(Physics I) 4 68 72 2 Mandatory
4 MA081  高等数学(A)(2)(Advanced Mathematics II) 4 68 72 2 Mandatory
5 MA119  概率统计(Probability and Statistics) 3 51 45 2 Mandatory
6 CS048  C++程序设计(A类)(C++ Programming) 3 51 27 2 Mandatory
7 MA118  数学分析(C类)(1)(Mathematical Analysis I) 6 102 102 1 Mandatory
8 MA115  离散数学(Discrete Mathematics) 2 34 34 1 Mandatory
9 CS902  程序设计思想与方法(Thinking and Approach of Programming) 3 51 34 1 Mandatory
10 MA043  数学分析(C类)(2)(Mathematical Analysis II) 6 102 72 2 Mandatory
11 PH002  大学物理(A类)(2)(Physics II) 4 68 72 3 Mandatory
12 EI203  基本电路理论(Basic Circuit Theory) 4 68 72 3 Mandatory
13 EI205  数字电子技术(Digital Electronic Technology) 3 51 54 3 Mandatory
14 MA097  数理方法(Mathematical Methods in Physics) 3 51 3 Mandatory
15 EI207  模拟电子技术(Analog Electronic Technology) 3 51 54 4 Mandatory
16 EE207  嵌入式系统原理与实验(A类)(ARM Embedded Systems and its Experiments) 5 85 54 4 Mandatory
17 AU326  数字图像处理基础(Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing) 2 34 36 5 Optional 11
18 EI210  信号与系统(B类)(Signals and Systems) 3 51 36 12 4 Optional
19 EI302  通信原理(B类)(Communication Fundamentals (B)) 2 34 36 6 Optional
20 MI324  检测技术B(Inspect Technology (B)) 2 34 80 6 Optional
21 CS430  数据结构B(Data Structure B) 2 34 36 6 Optional
1 AU322  离散控制系统(英文)(Discrete Control System) 2 34 36 5 Mandatory
2 AU308  数字信号处理(A类)(Digital Signal Processing) 2 34 36 5 Mandatory
3 AU307  过程控制系统(Process Control System) 3 51 50 4 6 Mandatory 22
4 AU310  运动控制系统(Motion Control System) 3 51 48 6 6 Mandatory
5 AU319  自动化仪表(Automatics Instrument) 2 34 45 5 Mandatory
6 AU320  电力电子技术(Power Electronics Technology) 3 51 37 5 Mandatory
7 CS331  计算机控制技术(Computer Control Technique) 3 51 28 6 Mandatory
8 EI304  自动控制原理A(Principles of Automatic Control(A)) 4 64 5 Mandatory
9 AU422  操作系统(A类)(Operating System) 2 34 36 8 7 Optional 34
10 AU311  模式识别导论(Introductory Pattern Recognition) 2 34 45 5 Optional
11 AU416  机器人学(Robotics) 2 34 45 6 5 Optional
12 AU323  非线性系统(Nonlinear System) 1 17 48 6 Optional
13 AU302  现代控制理论(B类)(Modern Control Theory) 3 51 48 4 6 Optional
14 AU313  控制系统仿真(Simulation of Control System) 2 34 36 6 7 Optional
15 AU417  单片机系统设计(Design of MCU System) 2 34 36 9 7 Optional
16 AU312  数字程序控制系统(Digital Control System) 2 34 36 9 7 Optional
17 AU404  数字系统设计技术(Digital System Design Technology) 2 34 36 7 Optional
18 MI405  传感器网络(Sensor Network) 2 34 36 7 Optional
19 AU423  线性规划与非线性规划(Linear Programming and Non-Linear Programming) 2 34 36 7 Optional
20 AU406  供应链设计与管理(英文)(Supply Chain Design and Management) 2 34 36 7 Optional
21 AU420  JAVA语言(Java Language) 2 34 36 12 7 Optional
22 CS400  数据库原理与应用(Database Principles and Applications) 2 34 36 7 Optional
23 AU419  计算机网络(A类)(Computer Network) 2 34 36 7 Optional
24 AU407  系统辨识基础 2 34 36 7 Optional
25 AU408  先进控制技术讲座(Lectures on Advanced Control Technology) 2 34 36 7 Optional
1 PH028  大学物理实验(1)(Physics Lab. I) 1 26 2 Mandatory 7
2 PH029  大学物理实验(2)(Physics Lab. II) 1 26 3 Mandatory
3 EI204  基本电路实验(Basic Circuit Lab.) 2 34 36 3 Mandatory
4 ES003  电子技术实验(Electronics Lab.) 3 51 54 4 Mandatory
1 EI901  工程实践与科技创新I(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 1)) 2 34 1 Mandatory 6
2 AU324  专业实习(自动化)(Professional Practice) 2 34 48 6 Mandatory
3 ME037  机械制造基础(金工实习3)(Basics of Machine Manufacturing) 2 34 54 4 Mandatory
4 EI229  工程实践与科技创新Ⅳ-D(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 4-D)) 2 34 4 Optional 20
5 EI227  工程实践与科技创新Ⅱ-A(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 2-A)) 2 34 5 Optional
6 EI228  工程实践与科技创新Ⅱ-B(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 2-B)) 2 34 5 Optional
7 EI310  工程实践与科技创新Ⅲ-A(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 3-A)) 2 34 5 Optional
8 EI311  工程实践与科技创新Ⅲ-B(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 3-B)) 2 34 5 Optional
9 EI312  工程实践与科技创新Ⅲ-C(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 3-C)) 2 34 5 Optional
10 EI319  工程实践与科技创新Ⅳ-F(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 4-F)) 2 34 5 Optional
11 EI315  工程实践与科技创新Ⅲ-F(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 3-F)) 2 34 6 Optional
12 EI318  工程实践与科技创新Ⅳ-E(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 4-E)) 2 34 6 Optional
13 EI401  工程实践与科技创新Ⅳ-C(Science and Technology Innovation (Part 4-C)) 2 34 7 Optional
1 TH010  军训(Military Training) 3 51 54 2 Mandatory 3
1 BS060  毕业设计(论文)(自动化)(Undergraduate Project (Thesis)) 17 289 36 8 Mandatory 17
2 AU325  倒立摆系统课程设计(Course Design on Inverted Pendulum Systems) 2 34 48 7 Optional 4
3 AU409  随动系统课程设计(Project Workshop of Servo System) 2 34 36 6 Optional
4 AU410  运动控制系统课程设计(Project Workshop of Motion Control System) 2 34 36 7 Optional
5 AU411  基于现场总线的变频调速系统课程设计 2 34 36 7 Optional
6 AU412  过程控制系统课程设计 2 34 36 7 Optional
个性化教育课程 (individualized curriculum) 10 Mandatory 10
[ 2014-06-25 ]
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