034 Training Plan of Electronic Science and Technology & Information and Communication Engineering Program in English

“Information and Communication Engineering”

&“Electronic Science and Technology”

Academic Degree Program

Graduate Students Training Plan

1. Discipline Introduction

The Department of Electronic Engineering has two first-level disciplines which are “Information and Communication Engineering”, and “Electronic Science and Technology”. Four second-level disciplines are “Telecommunications and Information System” (state key discipline), “Signal and Information Processing” (state key cultivation discipline), “Circuit and System and Electromagnetic Fields”, and “Electromagnetism Field and Microwave Techniques” (state key discipline).  

The Department of Electronic Engineering owns several national technology engineering laboratories like state key laboratory

 “Area of Optical Fiber Communication Network and Advanced Optical Communication System", “national engineering research center for digital TV”, “national engineering laboratory for information content analysis”, “national research base for TFT-LCD key materials” and so on.

Moreover, the Department of Electronic Engineering has many provincial-level scientific research bases, such as “key laboratory of Shanghai digital media processing and transmission”, “electronic system research of ministry of education”, “national engineering research center of information security management and service of ministry of education”, and has established joint laboratories with famous international enterprises like Microsoft, IBM, TI and so on.

The main research areas include image communication, wireless communication, optical communication, network and information security, radar signal processing and remote sensing technology, multimode navigation and location service, high speed circuit theory and design of chips, guided wave optics and optoelectronic devices, antenna theory and technology, microwave and RF circuits and so on.


2. Training Objectives

The graduates are expected to have the following qualities:

  1. a deep understanding of the discipline’s new technology,

  2. a holistic view of academic developments and international cutting-edges,

  3. knowledge on how to solve problems that come forth from industries,

  4. the ability of carrying out research of academic significance or of practical value to achieve some innovative results,

  5. fluency in one foreign language and skills in academic writing and international communication,

  6. students qualified for teaching or specialized technical work

3. Length of Study


Master student, generally 2-3 years, maximum (include schooling suspension period) 3.5 years

Ph.D. students: generally 3-4 years, maximum (include schooling suspension period) 6 years


4. Program Procedures

After courses completion and before thesis initiation, master students should go through Intermediate Assessment aiming at evaluating courses studies. Master students’ thesis work includes proposal, thesis intermediate check, thesis reviews and evaluation, and defense.

The regular procedures timing are as follows, for more details check “Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate Students Guidebook”.




1st & 2nd semesters

Intermediate Assessment

3rd Semester


3rd Semester

Intermediate Check, Thesis Review and Evaluation

4th Semester


5th Semester

After courses completion and before dissertation initiation, Ph.D. students should go through General Assessment, which is also known as qualification examination. Ph.D. dissertation work includes proposal, annual reports, pre-defense, dissertation reviews, and defense.

The regular procedures timing are as follows, for more details check “Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate Students Guidebook”.




1st & 2nd semesters

Qualification Exam(General Assessment)

3rd Semester


4th Semester

Annual Report

6th Semester

Pre-defense, Dissertation Reviews and Evaluation

7th Semester


8th Semester

  • Qualification Examination

Ph.D. students qualification exam should be finished in first semester of second academic year (third semester). If students failed to pass qualification exam, he/she could apply for re-examination in the second semester of second academic year (fourth semester). If students again fail to pass, he/she would be considered to be not qualified to continue Ph.D. studies. This kind of student could apply to transfer to master degree if he/she meet the master degree application requirements with supervisor, department and Graduate School approval. After transferring to master level, students must finish master degree study and thesis defense in one year. If student could meet the master degree graduation requirements, he/she could get master degree diploma and graduation certificate. If not, the student could only get associate degree.

  • Proposal

Ph.D. dissertation proposal should start after passing qualification exam and finish before the end of second academic year.  Students failed to pass proposal could re-apply before the end of third academic year. Due to special reason that students could not finish proposal before third academic year, student could apply for one more year extension after supervisor, department director, and Graduate School approval. Students fail to pass proposal in fourth year would be considered as not qualified to continue Ph.D. studies. This kind of students could apply to transfer to master degree if he/she meet the master degree application requirements with supervisor, department and Graduate School approval. After transferring to master level, students must finish master degree study and thesis defense in one year. If student could meet the master degree graduation requirements, he/she could get master degree diploma and graduation certificate. If not, the student could only get associate degree.

  • Annual Report

After proposal, Ph.D. students need to submit annual report about research progress. Annual report should be submitted to department in paper version, stating both research progress and phasic results in details. Each department should organize a review team with more than three faculty including supervisor or committee director, to evaluate those reports. Supervisors should make general evaluation to annual report, and supervise the student to do research and write dissertation. When supervisor considers the doctor candidate not qualified for Ph.D. with agreement from review team, department and Graduate School, student could only get course-completion certificate if the student finish all courses, or get associate degree if the student does not finish all courses.

5. Course Requirements

Master Students:

Total credits ≥28, which includes GPA element courses ≥16, specialized core courses (excludes math courses) ≥6, math courses≥3.

In order to widen master students scope of knowledge and strengthen inter-discipline communication, students are allowed to take 1-2 courses from other schools and make those courses as elective courses.

Generally all master courses should be finished in first academic year.


Ph.D. Students:

Total credits≥15.

 Courses delivered in English: http://english.seiee.sjtu.edu.cn/english/list/2472-1-20.htm

 Courses delivered in Chinese/bilingual: http://www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn/


6. Publication Requirements

 Check this link: http://english.seiee.sjtu.edu.cn/english/info/10399.htm


7. Thesis/Dissertation Requirements

Master students should actively join projects undertaken by supervisors, and choose topic with application importance. Through thesis research or training in professional work, students would cultivate innovative ability, and use knowledge to find problem, analyze problem, and solve problem.

More requirements in follow links:     

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Master Degree Application Regulations

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ph.D. Dissertation, Master Thesis Composition Guide


Ph.D. students should choose research topics in scientific foreland or with great importance to technological progress, economic construction and society development. Dissertation should indicate the author’s ability to take scientific research individually, and author’s mastery of solid basic theory and in-depth professional knowledge in his/her own discipline.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ph.D. Degree Application Regulations

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ph.D. Dissertation, Master Thesis Composition Guide





[ 2011-08-31 ]