Information Security

1.    Introduction:

With more than 10 years’ special experience of information security research and engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. now has built a top-quality information security research team with more than 70 faculty members. The major research interests include information security management, content security management, cryptology theory, risk assessment and risk management. During the past 10 years, this team has successfully accomplished a series of important national R&D and engineering projects, and became one of the most famous information security research team in China. This team has won Reward of National Science and Technology Progress, Reward of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Progress, Reward of Ministry of Education (MoE) Science and Technology Progress. The research results have been widely used in national information security architecture construction. Now there are 3 important research bases in this area, e.g. National Engineering Lab of Content Analysis, MoE Engineering Centre of Network Security Management and Service, Shanghai Key Lab of Network Security Management.


2.    Faculty Members


In this research direction there are 7 full professors and 10 associate professors. The resume of some professors are given below.

Li Jianhua, Professor, acted as chief scientist of national 863 project information security area during 2001-2006. He is also the leader of National E-government Demonstration Project, member of China E-government Standard Group, member of China Information Security Standard Group, editor of “Journal on Communications”, “Information and Network Security”.


Cao Zhenfu, Professor, published widely in “Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society” and “Journal of Number Theory”. His research result of “Several Research Achievements on Number Theory” has won the award of Ministry of Space Industry Science and Technology Progress on 1987. From 1988, professor Cao has been listed in “International Who is Who”. Now he is Technical Committee member of 2004 Global Mobile Congress, Program Committee member of 2004 ACM International Conference on Information Security, Vice Chairman of China Crypto’ 2004. He is also reviewer of Mathematical Reviews and ZMATH.


Lai Xuejia, Professor, has been researching crypto theory for more than 20 years. He is the designer of IDEA, and now is widely used ISO,TLS,PGP. He innovatively proposed derivatives, high-order derivatives and Markov-crypto, and his research results on Hash have been widely quoted. He is also committee member of Crypto, Eurocrypt, ACM CCS, etc. and chairman of Asiacrypt 06.


3.    Representative Research Achievements:


Achievement 1—Study of Content Security Management Framework 

Through content retrieval and content mining, we achieve the monitoring of Internet Public Opinion and management of Network Content Status. In the national information security demonstration project (S219), this content security management framework is widely deployed in national information security architecture. This project is highly appreciated by national leaders, and has won Reward of National Science and Technology Progress. On 2009, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. has been approved to build the National Engineering Lab on Content Analysis. This will support Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. to continue building international content security R&D basis.

Representative papers

1.     Li Qiang, Li Jianhua, Li Xiang, Li Shenghong, “Evaluation incompleteness of knowledge in data miningProceedings of LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 33092004.

2.     Xiang Li, Jianhua Li and Chihung Chi, “Modes of Real-Time Content Transformation for Web Intermediaries in Active Network”, International Journal of Information Technology, vol.1,pp.1738-5083, 2004

3.     Gongshen Liu, Jianhua Li, Xiang Li, Qiang Li, “New Feature Selection and Weighting Methods Based on Category Information”, ICADL 2004: 330-338

4.     Li Jianhua, “Information security technology development strategies and the corresponding key application technologies(Invited report)”ACM 2002 International Conference on Information Security, Shanghai, Oct. 2002.

5.     Shan Rongsheng, Li JianhuaWang Mingzheng, “Anomaly detection for network traffic flow”Journal of Southeast University(English Edition).


Achievement 2—Collision attacking of MD4


Hash function is widely used to protect data integrity. It is one of the most widely used crypto technology. Researchers in Shanghai JiaoTong Univ. firstly proposed the high-efficiency collision attacking of MD4. The paper of this result was named as the best paper of EuroCrypt 05. This group of researchers focuses on the crypto theory researching, including crypto algorithm designing, Hash function analysis and designing, and DNA crypto chips designing.

Representative papers

1.     Xiaoyun Wang, Xuejia Lai, Dengguo Feng, “Cryptanalysis of the Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD”, EUROCRYPT 2005, LNCS 3494, pp.1-18, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

2.     Xiaoyun Wang, Dengguo Feng, Xuejia Lai, Hongbo Yu, “Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD”, rump session of Crypto’04, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report2004/199, 2004.

3.     LU Mingxin, LAI Xuejia, XIAO GuozhenQIN Lei, “Symmetric-Key Cryptosystem with DNA technology”, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol.50,no.3,pp 324-333, June 2007.

4.     Guozhen Xiao, Mingxin Lu, Lei Qin, Xuejia Lai, “New field of Cryptograhy: DNA Cryptography”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(12):1413-1420, 2006.

5.     Jie Liang, Xuejia Lai, “Improved Collision Attack on Hash Function MD5”, Journal of Computer Science&Technology, vol.22, no.1, pp.79-87, Jan. 2007.


Achievement 3—Information Security Management 


Based on the results from national information security demonstration project, researchers from Shanghai JiaoTong Univ. have successfully developed an information security management system. This system studies the security status of information system. And then by status analysis, configuration management and policy management, this system achieves the sensing and management of the whole information system. This system is widely used in national E-government, military, tax administration information system. 

Representative papers:

1.     Li Jianhua, “National 863 information security strategy”, Information security and cryptovol.16no.42002.

2.     Li Jianhua, Jiang Xinhao, “Developing of E-government”, Information and network securityvol.53no.52005.

3.     Fan Lei, Xu Chongxiang, Li Jianhua, “Deniable authentication protocol based on Deffie-Hellman algorithm” ELECTRONICS LETTERS,vol.38,no.14,2002.

4.     Shi Yijuan, Li Jianhua, “Identity-based deniable authentication protocol”, ELECTRONICS LETTERS,vol.41, no.5, 2005.

5.     Wan Bin,Li Jianhua,Tong Zhipeng, “Cryptanalysis of an enhanced timestamp-based password authentication scheme”Computers & Securityvol.22,no.7,2003.


Achievement 4—Information system risk assessment and management 


To finding out the weak point and risk in information system, we mainly focus on the PC operation system, network operation system, application’s weak point and build own CVE list and assessment tools. Base on this, we participated in 2 national information security standards compilation. Now there is one national information security authentication lab built in Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. and it is also one of the key labs to fulfill the GB17859 and GB/T18336.

Representative papers:

1.     Baowen Zhang, Jing Zhang, et al. “Evaluating the disaster defense ability of information systems”, Intelligence and Security Informatics.Pacific Asia Workshop, PAISI 2007.

2.     Baowen Zhang, Jianhua Li and Jinyuan You, “A Dynamic Capacity Assignment Approach for EJB Instances Pools Based on Genetic Algorithms”, International Multi-Symposium of Computer and Computational Sciences 2006.

3.     Baowen Zhang, Zhu William and Zhi Xue, “Mining Privilege Escalation Paths For Network Vulnerability Analysis” Joint of International Conference on Natural Computation and International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery 2007.

4.     Baowen Zhang and Haopeng Chen, “Generation of frequent fuzzy states evolution rules” IEEE international conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2003.

5.     Chen HP, Zhang BW, “Design of an artificial-neural-network-based extended metacomputing directory service”.


Achievement 5—SGAP system 


To solve the problem of different security level data/network communication in national E-government construction, based on the thorough understanding of national E-government standards, researchers in Shanghai JiaoTong Univ. develop an SGAP system. This system adopts the GAP technology, by using in-depth data analysis, real-time data filtering, electronic switching, this system can fulfill the segment and communication between networks of different security level. This system now is widely used in national E-government and national defense department. 

Representative papers:

1.     Li Pan, Jorge Lobo, Seraphin Calo, “Extending the CIM-SPL Policy Language with RBAC for Distributed Management Systems in the WBEM Infrastructure”, 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM2009).

2.     Wang Kai, Pan Li, Li Jian-hua, “Peer-to-peer based fast file dissemination in UMTS networks”, IEICE Transactions on Communicationsvol.E91-B,no.12, Dec. 2008.

3.     Jiang Rui, Pan Li, Li Jian-Hua, “Further Analysis of Password Authentication Schemes Based on Authentication Tests”, Computers & Security, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 469-477, 2004.

4.     Zi Xiaochao, Yao Lihong, Li Lan, “FSM based stego communication analysis”, Journal of Computer29(8), 2006.

5.     Yao Lihong, Zi Xiaochao, Li Jianhua,“Model of hidden communication channel”Journal of Electronics,36(11) 2008. 

[ 2011-09-07 ]