Shanghai Jiao Tong University SDG July Camp 2024 Call for Course Proposals

国际合作与交流处 2023-10-10 2720

Project Background:

To enrich students' international learning experience, our university launched its first SJTU SDG July Camp in 2022, an interdisciplinary and international summer school program focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( The program offered 11 courses in 2022 and 12 courses in 2023. Through online collaborative learning, the program reaches a more diverse student body, engages students in global issues, and develops their global competence.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University is currently accepting course proposals for the SJTU SDG July Camp 2024. The final approved courses will be listed among the general elective courses of the 2024 summer semester.

Course Requirements:

1. Course Content: Related to the UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) (

2. Instructors: Teach in cooperation with international instructors

3. Classroom organization form: The organization form features Project-Based Learning (PBL) and collaborative learning. Online group discussions should account for more than 40% of the time.

4. Student composition: Intercultural discussion groups should be formed; each group should have 6 people consisting of both SJTU and international students.

5. Teaching method: Online teaching (recommended). Professors who choose hybrid teaching should take offline classroom conditions and course organization methods into consideration.

6. Language of instruction: English

7. Course Platform: Feishu/Lark

8. Instructors are encouraged to host an SDG-related lecture or seminar for all engaged students during the SDG July Camp

Applicant Requirements:

• Full-time faculty at SJTU who undertake practical teaching work;

• Professional background related to the SDG field;

• Had at least two supervisors from overseas universities and/or transnational enterprises (international organizations) as project mentors/co-teachers, each from different continents; Priority is given to those who have had students participate in international projects

Core Skills:

Students are encouraged to discuss, negotiate, argue, and reach compromises and consensus with peers from different cultural backgrounds and disciplines in an English context and develop professional skills such as:

1. Critical thinking and listening skills, understanding different opinions and points of view;

2. The ability to express personal views and ideas clearly and fully in English;

3. Active learning and deep learning skills on specific issues;

4. Leadership skills by proactively leading a group to conduct discussions, proposing solutions to problems, feasible solutions, and skills for action.

Project Organization Timeline:

Deadline for Proposal Submission: October 27, 2023

Proposal Defense: Early November 2023

Project international release and international student recruitment: November 2023

On-campus undergraduate students recruitment: March 2024

On-campus graduate students recruitment: May 2024

Project implementation: 2024 summer semester

Funding Criteria:

The basic course development funding provided is 8,000 RMB, and additional course development funding is adjusted according to the specific enrollment situation. The total funding of each project shall not exceed 30,000 RMB. In addition, the lecture fee of the international collaborator is calculated according to the duration of the course. The teaching assistant fee is 5,000 RMB per course, and the course leader determines the specific amount to be issued.

Other considerations:

• Please specify the exact date and time of the course with the overseas instructors. It can not be changed after the release of the course in November.

• After the course is released in November, the name of the course shall not be changed.

• Instructors who offer courses for the first time in the SDG program should attend at least one information session for course improvement and one instructional one-on-one coaching session.

• If the instructors cannot meet the above requirements during the implementation of the course, the funding will be adjusted accordingly.

Application Materials:

• Attachment I: Course syllabus

• Attachment II: Application Form for New Course Openings (General Elective Courses)

• Attachment III: Course Information Form (for promotion)

• Attachment IV: New SJTU Graduate Course Application Form (if instructors need to recruit graduate students)

For the attachment templates, please go to jbox to download: (Password: SDGs)

How to submit the application materials:

Please upload the above attachments of your application to the corresponding folder on jbox (link below) by October 27th, 2023. Thank you! (Password: appl)

Project Briefing:

Project Briefing Sign-up Link:

Meeting Time: 2023/10/13 12:00-13:30 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing
Offline Meeting Room: The location will be announced once it is confirmed

Click on the following link to join or add the meeting:

#Tencent Meeting: 704515627

Meeting password: 231013

If you would like to know more details, you can also join the Feishu/Lark "2024 SDG International Summer School - Teacher Group" discussion group in advance:

Project Contact Person:

LI Yunlei 021-34206754

Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School, International Affairs Division

October 10, 2023
