Three SJTU Alumni elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering

International Affairs Division 2022-06-18 1938

The list of new international fellows for the year of 2022 was unveiled on the official website of the Canadian Academy of Engineering just recently. Three alumni of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) made it into the list, including  Chunsheng Yang (Class of 1986), Master in computer applications, Hongtao Liu (Class of 1991), Bachelor in automation, and Yi Zhang (Class of 1999), Doctor of power system and automation .




Chunsheng Yang graduated from SJTU in 1986 with a master’s degree in computer applications, and is a Senior Research Scientist at the National Research Council Canada and Distinguished Professor at the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre of Nagoya University. As an expert widely known in artificial intelligence (AI) research, he focused most of his research and development on intelligent inference, machine learning and intelligent systems. In particular, he was the first in the world to develop an intelligent shipping evasion system and apply it to the integrated navigation system, leading to substantially safer navigation, and in AI applications such as machine learning, he developed a transformative AI-based PHM (prognostic and health management) technology for smart maintenance of complex systems, which has been applied to various industry sectors such as aerospace, railway, and energy, dramatically enhancing the reliability and safety of the complex systems.


Hongtao Liu graduated from SJTU in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree in automation, and is now President of the SJTU Alumni Association in Toronto and a visiting professor at the SJTU School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He also serves as a Professor at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the Engineering Institute of Canada, and an Associate Fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. As an internationally-renowned researcher in aircraft systems and control, he specializes in flight control system design, multi-aircraft collaborative control, multi-target control and real-time simulation of flight control systems. He has published over 100 papers in major international journals such as Automatica, AIAA and IEEE Trans as well as at international conferences, undertaken multiple scientific research projects and won more than a dozen US patents for invention.


Yi Zhang graduated from SJTU in 1999 with a doctoral degree in power system and its automation, and is now Vice-President (VP) R&D and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of RTDS Technologies Inc. He has been at the forefront of electric power system analysis for 25 years, specializing in real-time simulation, direct-current transmission and voltage stability. As the VP R&D and CTO of RTDS Technologies Inc., the world’s largest real-time simulator manufacturer, he has personally developed and directed the development of many key features. He manages the general strategy and technology of RTDS and leads the R&D efforts in hardware, software and models. His work has been extremely influential in the establishment of the industry standard for real-time power-system simulation.
