2022 Summer Schools Successfully Held

International Affairs Division 2022-11-06 1085

SDG July Camp

The inaugural SDG July Camp hosted by SJTU officially closed on July 16th, 2022, at 2 pm Beijing time. Around 150 participants attended the online closing ceremony, including instructors and students from 35 partner universities in 22 countries from across five continents.

The SDG July Camp took the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the framework to integrate multiple disciplines in a series of coursework and engaged students from different cultural backgrounds in collaborative learning settings. The SDG July Camp consisted of 11 elective courses, which included topics such as poverty and mental health, clean energy, and sustainable cities and communities. The online sessions were delivered through the communication platform Feishu/Lark. Participants consisted of undergraduates, graduate students, and Ph.D. candidates. Under the guidance of instructors from around the world, the international and domestic students formed teams to conduct discussions and develop solutions to complex problems.


The SJTU SDG July Camp fully adopted English as the medium of instruction this year. During the program, the students were trained to think independently about real-life problems, improve their abilities to apply their knowledge to real-life situations, and cultivate their abilities to integrate resources from different channels. Through interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural communication, the students practiced their critical thinking and interpersonal skills. During the three-week study, the students overcame the barriers of time differences and online communication difficulties, and accomplished the course with enthusiasm.

SEEEP High-Level Ph.D. Summer School

The 2022 Sino-EU Engineering Education Platform (SEEEP) High-Level Ph.D. Summer School was successfully held online and offline from August 15 to 26. 65 Ph.D. students from China and Europe participated in this summer school, including students from the School of Mechanical Engineering and 21 students from four additional Schools of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).

The SEEEP High-Level Ph.D. Summer School is implemented under the framework of the China-EU Engineering Education Consortium and China-EU Sustainable Engineering Doctoral School and is a program of the 2022 SJTU Graduate International Summer School (ISS). It is jointly organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and is held annually for two weeks, alternately in China and Europe. 

This year’s theme of the Ph.D. school is “Resilient Energy Systems”. A group of leading professors, experts, and scholars from China and Europe, together with Ph.D. students from relevant universities, provided feasible solutions for sustainable energy development from the perspective of social acceptance and economic constraints by focusing on research topics on resilient energy systems, renewable energy technologies, energy grids, energy storage, new energy vehicles, and waste conversion.

During the event, students participated in more than two academic presentations, topic discussions, and group cooperation every day. Through investigating, discussing, and working on topics such as CCUS, new energy vehicles, biomass, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, and carbon emission in industry, they exercised their ability of interdisciplinary communication and cross-cultural cooperation, obtained satisfactory research results on related topics, and completed the final presentation.

Besides the comprehensive high-level academic lectures by experts from China and Europe, the summer school also invited representatives from companies related to the energy sector to have in-depth exchanges with Ph.D. students. Through the presentations and Q&A sessions, students gained a deeper understanding of "Energy Transition: Resilient Energy Systems" and learned to think about global energy issues from various perspectives, including technological, social, economic, and environmental aspects.
