SJTU Professor He Hongjian Elected as APS Fellow

International Affairs Division 2024-01-03 249

On October 19, 2023, the American Physical Society (APS) announced the list of new Fellows for the year 2023, and Professor He Hongjian, a distinguished professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Established in 1899, the APS is one of the most prestigious professional societies for physics worldwide. APS annually elects new Fellows, limited to no more than 0.5% of its total membership, to recognize their contributions to advancing original research in physics, applying physics to science and technology, and making significant innovative contributions to physics education and leadership.

The American Physical Society recognizes Professor He Hongjian for his fundamental contributions to particle physics theory and phenomenology, as well as his pivotal role in promoting international cooperation. The citation for his election reads: "For fundamental contributions to particle theory and phenomenology, and for leadership in promoting international cooperation." In mainland China this year, a total of four scholars were elected, with Professor He Hongjian being the sole awardee in the field of particle physics and related areas.

He Hongjian is a Distinguished Professor in theoretical physics. His research areas include particle physics, quantum gravity, cosmology and their interface. He was recruited as a full Professor of Physics (Talent Plan) of Tsinghua University in 2005 and appointed as a Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017, affiliated with School of Physics & Astronomy and T. D. Lee Institute. He has served as the Editors of leading international journals including the Physics of the Dark Universe, Nuclear Physics B (Elsevier), and Research (Partner Journal of Science, AAAS).
