Laurence 你好!我知道你之前已经有了很成功的事业,是什么促使你选择到开云网页登录 读书的呢?
Hi Laurence, I know you had a quite successful career before. What made you choose to study at SJTU?
当我2018年9月来到上海时,我完全不会讲中文。在重新开始做事业和学习中文中我选择了后者,于是自2018年9月到2020年1月的三个学期,我成为了交大徐汇校区汉语国际教育中心的一名语言生。学习中文的旅程中充满了各种未知的挑战,我遇到了形形色色的同学们,他们是来自世界各国的杰出的年轻人,有着年轻人身上特有的热情,外向和好学。给我留下最深印象的是优秀的老师们,以及优美的学习环境。交大的徐汇校区是一个开放和充满活力的地方,那里有很多历史悠久的人文景点。课余时间我可以在图书馆附近和同学们一起坐着喝杯茶,感受交大的文化底蕴。通过在交大的学习,我结识了不少朋友,后来我与来自哥伦比亚、日本和韩国的同龄人一起创建了太太俱乐部, 致力于分享中文学习的经验以及美好的探店之旅。
When I came to live in Shanghai in September 2018, I did not speak any Chinese. I had to make a choice between resuming my career and taking time to learn Chinese, that’s why I enrolled three semesters at Jiao Tong University, International Chinese Education Center for foreigners at Xuhui campus. I have been a Chinese language student from September 2018 to January 2020 and was very grateful to my teachers for their help and support. The journey of learning Chinese was full of unknown challenges, the new part was the classmates: brilliant young people from every country, nice, beautiful as youth can be, open minded…and quick learners. I was most impressed by the teachers and also the surrounding: Xuhui campus is an open and lovely place, full of history and great spots to gather around for either books (libraries) or a cup of tea with my fellow students. Along with some of them from Columbia, Japan and Korea I created the Taitai (Wife’s) Club, dedicated to Chinese studies…and good restaurant hunting.

How did you get to know the Modern Chinese Studies Program? Is there any connection between your current research and your previous studies?
It’s actually thanks to Prof. Li – our excellent grammar teacher – that I became aware of the program. I had studied humanities in France (MD) and Korea, before taking a business (MBA) turn. Besides, I knew that being led in my studies is definitively more productive than reading some books on my own. Apart from Chinese language, culturally I did not want to stay on the tourist level, so to strengthen my knowledge I decided to enroll in SJTU’s master degree in Modern Chinese Studies.
I joined the Modern Chinese Studies program in 2021 fall semester. My classmates are young people from European and Asian countries, the teaching team has Chinese and foreign teachers as well. I was positively surprised by my classmates, whom I found knowledgeable, hard-working, adorable, helpful. My principal challenge is to be back in the student’s shoes: homework, essays, deadlines. These are no longer my cup of tea and the reason why I study is to deepen my own knowledge. Therefore…I sometime feel like the rebellor in the classroom! Whatever, I really appreciate very much my studying time: today my classmates made terrific presentations, and I just hope I can produce something they could enjoy too. Whatever the nationality or the generation, whatever our personal agendas, we are bound by the same sincere interest for our field and this is for me very reassuring to study with such a brilliant and benevolent young generation from China, Europe, Asia.
What is your favorite course of the program? What did you gain from it?
由于我计划专攻历史 (我当然同样也喜欢汉学 ),在教授的指导下,我对历史时期的概览和各个过渡时期有了较为扎实的了解,同时这样的知识体系也通过旁观者在各个时代的反思性观点而变得更加丰富。
As I planned to specialize in history, (of course I love both Sinology and History), under our professor’s guidance, I got a solid overview of the historical periods and transitions, enriched by the reflexive perception of China by outsiders through the eras.
Unexpectedly I would say, I realized I was longing for the literature classes. I had already read the big hits of Chinese literature such as The Story of the Stone, Water Margin, Jin Gu Qi Guan, Jin Ping Mei, still I did not know about the literary evolution in the 19th and 20th centuries. I give all the credits of these beautiful discoveries to our excellent teachers.
How do you like the online courses? Are there any advantages and disadvantages?
Should the online courses not exist, I would not have been able to attend the classes. So their existence is quite important to me. Second, A lot of time in commuting is saved and it is very comfortable. The disadvantages are the distance from the professors and the classmates: no jokes, no passionate discussions. Also, it’s less easy for professors to manage the class. For instance, to balance the cultural differences (as certain cultures and or personalities are more or less prone to speak than others). I want to mention that the online courses are very well organized, and without their existence, nearly nothing could have been done.
The End
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Modern Chinese Studies Program
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