开云app官网入口下载苹果版 -南加州开云手机版app下载官方正版 创意产业学院(简称“文创学院”)“ICCI ART VALLEY艺术创意谷”项目,旨在打造具有文创特色的艺术教育品牌,提升公众艺术素养水平,促进中西方艺术家开展交流互动,拓展文创学院在艺术文化领域的影响力。


中西艺术家将共同创作完成《Somewhere in Time——平行·多元》艺术展。展览将于11月30日-12月10日在上海文化艺术地标——上海画廊举行,届时将邀请艺术界人士、艺术投资及收藏家、艺术爱好者等参与活动。开云网页登录 董浩云航运馆也将于12月1日-12月10日联合展出艺术家作品,并举办一系列面向公众的艺术教育活动。


The idea of transience, the passing of time, the emotional trace that experiences, uncertainty, chance and discovery leave on us are present in all works. I love emotion that corrects the rule.( J ́aime l ́émotion qui corrige la règle)

Painting is a contemplative process (which implies an intense concentration endured over time), requiring patience and long intervals of waiting.

You need process to use material, and processes require time. Processes are time.

The Force of Material. As an artist it is not mu intention to depict the world, but rather to put images into the world.

My art questions the everyday life in an ironic and satiric way, taking out of context objects and familiar procedures.

Painting becomes a way to explore fragmented perceptions of reality through the lens of transience, the impalpable made physical, materializing as overlapping timelines, mirrored spaces and repetitive forms.

Energy and chaotic flow are my keynotes but the performance of putting color on the canvas is decisive of the final result.

The simplicity of life, with all its complexity, is at the same time the end and the beginning of my interest in art in general and in painting in particular.

I think artists are storytellers. It’s always been like this, and it will always be.


  • 国际艺术家驻地活动开放日


  • Lecture 1: Never end (艺术无境)


  • Lecture 2: Beyound the space  (超越空间)

时间:12月1日/地点:开云网页登录 董浩云航运馆

  • 艺术展:Somewhere in Time (平行·多元)

展期:12月1日-10日/地点:上海画廊、开云网页登录 董浩云航运馆

  • Lecture 3: How memory becomes art (记忆艺术)
  • Lecture 4: Gesture in the art (艺术姿态)





