开云app官网入口下载苹果版 -南加州开云手机版app下载官方正版 创意产业学院(简称“文创学院”)“ICCI ART VALLEY 艺术创意谷”项目,旨在打造具有文创特色的艺术教育品牌,提升公众艺术素养水平,促进中西方艺术家开展交流互动,拓展文创学院在艺术文化领域的影响力。


2019年“ICCI ART VALLEY 艺术创意谷”项目,文创学院特邀6位知名国际访问艺术学者,焦聚东西方当代艺术的交叉融合,在上海开展为期两个月的学术交流、艺术创作、文化教育、主题展览、艺术表演等系列活动。




Matthias ADENSAMER/Austria

Musician, Professor of Joseph Haydn Konservatorium des Landes Burgenland

Not less than a philosophical position reckoning of our time and mankind on earth is essential to get a deeper understanding of what is and means an artistic or philosophical life and work from the early antics of Socrates till now.

Mary O’MALLEY/ America

Ceramic Artist, MA from the Royal College of Art

In creating contemporary decorative objects, she explores subversively and through allegory, narratives which discuss the banal essence of pretty things, and the weighty historical contexts from which they originate.

Juan OLIVARES/ Spain

Artist, Graduated in San Carlosof the Polytechnic University of Valencia

The idea of transience, the passing of time, the emotional trace that experiences, uncertainty, chance and discovery leave on us are presented in all works. I love emotion that corrects the rule.( J ́aime l ́émotion qui corrige la règle)

Andrey VOLKOV/ Russia

Artist, Curator

One of the most difficult questions for me is about style. While style sets boundaries and limitations, my understanding of creation offer me a sense of freedom.

Qi YANG/Germany

Artist, Professor

I paint not because of my profession as an artist but because of the necessity of my being. Therefore it is within my physiological and psychological urge to describe life and people through painting. In other words my painting is meaningful in the way that it elaborates my being.

Gan YU/ America

Artist, Curator, Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Chinese Art Media Lab of Harvard University

Art must be founded on his own individuality, his technical experiments, as well as his social surroundings.







