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通讯地址: 唐仲英楼二楼N212室
电子邮件: czwu@sjtu.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    邬崇朝,博士,开云网页登录 副教授,博士生导师。2010年于复旦大学获得学士学位,2016年于美国 Lehigh University 获得博士学位,随后加入美国哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究科学家的工作。主要研究领域包括太赫兹与红外技术,量子级联激光,生物医学传感与成像技术,超表面与微纳光电器件等,研究工作发表在Nature, Nature Communications, Optica, Advanced Science, ACS Photonics, Nanophotonics, APL Photonics, Optics Express等学术期刊上,在CLEO, IEEE Photonics Conference, SPIE Photonics West, IRMMW-THz, IQCLSW 等会议上做学术报告, 获得多项已授权美国专利与中国发明专利,担任 Photonics Insights 青年编辑委员会委员,Nature Publishing Group, Optica Publishing Group, IEEE旗下期刊审稿人,研究工作获Science Daily, Phys.org, Optics and Photonics News, US National Science Foundation (NSF), American Association for the Advancement of Science 等报道, 获得的奖励和荣誉包括Baker Institute Innovation Prize, Rossin Doctoral Fellow, Packard Fellowship, Sherman Fairchild Fellowship for Solid State Studies, 开云网页登录 优秀班主任,开云网页登录 社会实践优秀指导老师,入选福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜。所主讲的课程获评开云网页登录 一流本科课程,所主持的研究项目获国家自然科学基金、上海市科委等资助。邬崇朝课题组多名学生获评上海市优秀毕业生、开云app官网入口下载苹果版 优秀毕业生、开云app官网入口下载苹果版 励志典型人物等荣誉称号。

  • 研究方向


  • 代表性论文专著

    B. Chen, K. Zhou, J. Shao, X. Zhao, B. Xu, J. Zhu, B. Xue, Z. Tan, J. Cao, H. Li, and C. Wu. “A low-loss hollow-core waveguide bundle for terahertz imaging under a cryogenic environment”, ACS Photonics, 2024, 11, 8, 3068–3078.

    P. Tang, W. Wei, B. Xu, X. Zhao, J. Shao, Y. Tian, and C. Wu. “Terahertz deep-optics imaging enabled by perfect lens-initialized optical and electronic neural networks”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2024.

    B. Xu, W. Wei, P. Tang, J. Shao, X. Zhao, B. Chen, S. Dong, and C. Wu. “A multi-foci sparse-aperture metalens”, Advanced Science, 2024, 11,19, 2309648.

    J. Shao, X. Zhao, P. Tang, B. Chen, B. Xu, H. Lu, Z. Qin, and C. Wu. “Label-free investigation of infected acute pyelonephritis tissue by FTIR microspectroscopy with unsupervised and supervised analytical methods”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, 321,124753.

    J.Zhu, W.Wei, B.Chen, P.Tang, X.Zhao, and C.Wu. “A surface-enhanced infrared absorption sensor incorporating liquid-galinstan with three-dimensional metagratings”, ACS Photonics, 2024,11, 5, 1857–1865.

    B. Chen, B. Xu, J. Zhu, P. Tang, J. Shao, S. Yang, G. Ding, and C. Wu. “Hollow-core metallic waveguide-based molecular sensing in terahertz to mid-infrared spectral range”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23, 23, 28923-28931.

    W. Wei, P. Tang, J. Shao, J. Zhu, X. Zhao, and C. Wu. “End-to-end design of metasurface-based complex-amplitude holograms by physics-driven deep neural networks”, Nanophotonics, 2022, 11, 12, 2921-2929.

    B. Chen, W. Wei, J. Shao, B. Xu, H. Zhu, G. Xu, and C. Wu. “Spatially, spectrally single-mode and mechanically flexible 3D-printed terahertz transmission waveguides”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2022, 14, 1, 5906907.

    P. Tang, X. Chi, B. Chen, and C. Wu, “Predictions of resonant mode characteristics for terahertz quantum cascade lasers with distributed feedback utilizing machine learning”, Optics Express, 2021, 29, 15309-15326.

    Y. Wang, C. Chen, J. He, Y. Cao, X. Fang, X. Chi, J. Yi, J. Wu, Q. Guo, H. Masoomi, C. Wu, J. Ye, H. Gu, and H. Xu. “Precisely encoded barcodes through the structure-fluorescence combinational strategy: A flexible, robust, and versatile multiplexed biodetection platform with ultrahigh encoding capacities”, Small, 2021, 17, 2100315.

    Z. Zhang, D. Schwanz, B. Narayanan, M. Kotiuga, J. A. Dura, M. Cherukara, H. Zhou, J. W. Freeland, J. Li, R. Sutarto, F. He, C. Wu, J. Zhu, Y. Sun, K. Ramadoss, S. S. Nonnenmann, N. Yu, R. Comin, K. M. Rabe, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, and S. Ramanathan, “Perovskite nickelates as electric field sensors in salt water”, Nature, 2018, 553, 68-72.

    Y. Jin, L. Gao, J. Chen, C. Wu, J. Reno, and S. Kumar, “High power surface emitting terahertz laser with hybrid second- and fourth-order Bragg gratings”, Nature Communications, 2018, 9: 1407.

    C. Wu, Y. Jin, J. Reno, and S. Kumar, “Large static tuning of narrow-beam terahertz plasmonic lasers operating at 78 K”, APL Photonics, 2017, 2.2, 026101.

    C. Wu, S. Khanal, J. Reno, and S. Kumar, “Terahertz plasmonic laser radiating in an ultra-narrow beam”, Optica, 2016, 3, 734–740.

  • 教学工作


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