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通讯地址: 开云网页登录 机械楼A922
电子邮件: fyq@sjtu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://me.sjtu.edu.cn/teacher_directory1/feiyanqiong.html

  • 个人简介

    1994年于西安工业大学获得学士学位,1998年于东南大学获得硕士学位,2002年于开云网页登录 获得博士学位。现为开云网页登录 机械与动力工程学院机器人研究所教授。2010年9月至2011年9月美国麻省理工学院机械系访问学者。2016年获开云网页登录 烛光奖励计划。

    近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,ZB预研教育部联合基金项目1项,上海市自然科学基金1项,航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目1项等,另作为骨干成员承担国家973计划项目、863项目、国家重点研发计划课题3项等。在国内外期刊和会议发表论文100余篇,已授权国家发明专利23项。2009年获上海市科技进步二等奖,2012年获IEEE M2VIP2012国际会议最佳论文奖。

  • 研究方向


  • 科研项目


  • 代表性论文专著

    1.Fei Yanqiong, Wang Jiangbei, Pang Wu. A novel fabric-based versatile and stiffness-tunable soft gripper integrating soft pneumatic fingers and wrist. Soft Robotics, 6(1): 1-20, 2019.

    2.Wang Jiangbei, Fei Yanqiong, Liu Zhaoyu. Locomotion modeling of a triangular closed-chain soft rolling robot. Mechatronics, 57: 150-163, 2019.

    3.Wang Jiangbei, Liu Zhaoyu, Fei Yanqiong. Design and testing of a soft rehabilitation glove integrating finger and wrist function. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 11(1): 011015, 2019.

    4.Wang Jiangbei, Fei Yanqiong, Pang Wu. Design, modeling and testing of a soft pneumatic glove with segmented PneuNets bending actuators. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(3): 990-1001, 2019.

    5.Li Jiarui, Wang Jiangbei, Fei Yanqiong. Nonlinear modeling on a SMA actuated circular soft robot with closed-loop control system. Nonlinear Dynamics, 96(4): 2627-2635, 2019.

    6.Zhu Yuhang, Fei Yanqiong, Xu Hongwei. Stability analysis of a wheel-track-leg hybrid mobile robot. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 91(3-4): 515-528, 2018.

    7.Pang Wu, Wang Jiangbei, Fei Yanqiong. The structure, design and closed-loop motion control of a differential drive soft robot, Soft Robotics, 5(1): 71-80, 2018.

    8.Fei Yanqiong, Pang Wu. Analysis on nonlinear turning motion of multi-spherical soft robots, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(2): 883-892, 2017.

    9.Fei Yanqiong, Xu Hongwei. Modeling and motion control of a soft robot, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(2): 1737-1742, 2017.

    10.Yanqiong Fei, Xu Wang. Study on nonlinear obstacle avoidance on modular soft robots. Nonlinear Dynamics, 82:891–898, 2015.

    11.Yanqiong Fei, Pengwei Gong, and Libo Song. Docking Process Analysis in Self-repairing Robots. Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, 3(3), 2015.

    12.Fei Yanqiong, Gao Hanwei. Nonlinear dynamic modeling on multi-spherical modular soft robots. Nonlinear Dynamics, 78(2): 831-838, 2014.

    13.Fei Yanqiong, Wang Chengyuan. Self-repairing algorithm of lattice-type self-reconfigurable modular robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 75(2): 193-203, 2014.

    14.Fei Yanqiong, Shen Xingyao. Nonlinear analysis on moving process of soft robots. Nonlinear Dynamics, 73(1-2): 671-677, 2013.

    15.C.Y.Wang, J.Zhang, Y.Q.Fei, T.Murmu. Circumferential nonlocal effect on vibrating nanotubules. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 58: 86-90, 2012.

    16.Fei Yanqiong. Docking design of self-reconfigurable robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 8(5): 1-8, 2011.

    17.Fei Yanqiong, Yang Wei. Structure analysis of hybrid self-reconfigurable modular robot. Advanced Materials Research, (299-300), pp 1064-1067, 2011.

    18.Fei Yanqiong, Zhu Yueliang and Xia Ping. Analysis on self-morphing process of self-reconfigurable modular robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 6(3): 215-222, 2009.

    19.Fei Yan-qiong, Zhang Xin, Xu Lei. Analysis on kinematics and dynamics of modular robot systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,10(6): 823-830, 2009.

    20.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang. Design and dock analysis for the interactive module of a lattice-based self-reconfigurable robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 55(2): 87-95, 2007.

    21.Fei Yanqiong, Wan Jianfeng, Xia Ping, Zhao Xifang. Docking analysis of two neighboring modules in a self-reconfigurable modular machine. Journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 32(9-10): 985-989, 2007.

    22.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang. Modules classification and automatic generation of kinematics on self-reconfigurable modular machine. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 43(2-4): 147-159, 2005.
    23.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang. Jamming analyses for dual peg-in-hole in three dimensions. Robotica, (23): 83-91, 2005.

    24.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang. Contact and jamming analysis for three dimensional dual peg-in-hole mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 39: 477- 499, 2004.

    25.Fei Yanqiong, Ding Fuqiang, Zhao Xifang. Collision-free motion planning of dual-arm reconfigurable robots. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 20: 351-357, 2004.

    26.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang. An assembly process modeling and analysis for robotic multiple peg-in-hole. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 36(2): 175-189, 2003.

    27.Fei Yanqiong, Zhao Xifang, Song Libo. A method for modular robots generating dynamics automatically. Robotica,19: 59-66, 2001.

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