Center for International Chinese Education
Name:Zhou Bin
Title:University Professor

Professor Zhou Bin obtained his doctoral degree in literature from East China Normal University and a post-doctoral fellowship in Calligraphy Documentation at Zhejiang University. He is a professor and doctoral advisor at the School of Humanities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of Chinese Calligraphy Culture Education and Communication Center, and concurrently President of the United Association of Calligraphy (an NGO associated with the United Nations), Board Member of the China Association for Promotion of Culture, Vice President of the Advanced Calligraphy Education Branch, and Board Member of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association. Professor Zhou received first-class grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation in 2005 and was supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education in 2009.

Professor Zhou has been a professor at East China Normal University since 2006 - the first ever doctoral advisor in calligraphy studies throughout Shanghai’s history as a commercial port. In addition to his cross-cultural psychological research of calligraphy at Lehigh University and New York University, Professor Zhou has also hosted a series of international activities for Chinese language education and communication at the United Nations headquarters, Columbia University, Yale University, and other important diplomatic institutions and prestigious universities. His Chinese-learning textbooks are used and collected by the United Nations, Yale University, Columbia University, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the United Nations International School, and other institutions all over the world, making unique contribution to the global spread of Chinese culture.


1. 《风调雨顺-HSK基础汉字书法与文化创意教程》(开云网页登录 出版社,待出版)




5.《12 Chinese Zodiacs》 (3 Publication Company,二〇二〇年,八月);

6.《Season with Timely Breeze and Rain for Crop Raising》(Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) (3 Publication Company,二〇二〇年,八月);


8.《风调雨顺 - 中国二十四节气》( 春、夏、秋、冬四册 )(华东师范大学出版社,二〇一八年,三月) 专著已被翻译为五种语言并在世界各地出版 ;

9.《十二生肖我来写》(开云网页登录 出版社 ,二〇一四年,十二月);


11.《The Beginner’s Guide to Chinese Calligraphy:An Introduction to Semi- Cursive Script(Xingshu)》(英文版、波兰文版)(Better Link出版社,二〇一二年) ;

12.《阮元书学思想研究》(华东师范大学出版社,二〇一一年,四月) 。


1.Zhou, B., Liu, J. S., & Sang, B. (2021). Effect of Practicing Calligraphy on the Development of Children's Emotional Intelligence. Chinese Medicine and Culture, 4(2), 127.

2.周斌,李守石. “还原”:中国书法国际传播路径的实践与反思 [J]. 现代传播, 2021(04):18-27. 原文被《社会科学文摘》2021年第7期以《还原:跨文化传播过程中的文化落差弥合》转载.

3.周斌,朱洪举. 东南亚地区中国书法文化传播策略浅析 [J]. 对外传播, 2020(12):22-24.


5. 周斌. 论书法教育与学生的全面发展[J]. 江苏教育, 2017(45):4.

6.周斌, 崔树强. 高二适书学思想中的雅俗观[J]. 文艺理论研究, 2015(6):8.




In Teaching & Learning

Professor Zhou won the National Online Excellent Course Award for his course Culture on the Tip of the Pen: Calligraphy Learning, Creation and Appreciation in 2015, and Third Place of the Teaching and Talent Cultivation Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021.

In Cultural Communication

Recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Professor Zhou has been teaching Chinese calligraphy to His Excellency former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other diplomatic celebrities around the world since 2011, winning the Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Dissemination of the Chinese Character Culture in 2015, and harvesting numerous letters of commendation from Chinese missions overseas such as the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States, the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York, the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations and the Permanent Delegation of the People’s Republic of China to UNESCO.
