
SJTU-ICA 2015 International Forum on New Media

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2015 International Forum on New Media

 “Communication in the Internet+ Age: Disruption and Reconstruction”

October 24-25, 2015

Shanghai, China


The "2015 International Forum on New Media", jointly sponsored by School of Media and Design (SMD) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)and International Communication Association (ICA), will be held on October 24-25, 2015 in Shanghai, China. ICA President Prof. Peter Vorderer,   chief editors of SSCI journals, scholars, and students from around the world will get together to discuss the frontier issues of new media.


        I. The Background of the Forum

Whether we are ready or not, the Internet+ age has come! From commerce to finance, from education to healthcare, from manufacturing to national defense, almost all kinds of entities and industries are actively embracing the Internet, trying to deeply integrate with the Internet, for seeking new growth opportunities. For communication scholars, the impact of the Internet+ on the way we communicate can be shocking: the Internet+ has fundamentally changed the traditional landscape of media industries, throwing all media companies into the torrent of change; meanwhile, it provides related media entities with abundant innovative opportunities, inevitably bringing the reconstruction of the whole communication industries. Against this background, SMD at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and ICA decide to jointly hold the 2015 International Forum on New Media after successfully holding the 2013, 2014 annual international forums together.

      II. The Theme of the Forum: Communication in the Internet+ Age: Disruption and Reconstruction

Centered around the theme, the Forum will hold several sub-forums, including  “Internet+ and Communication Theories,” “Internet+ and Media Industries,” “Internet+ and New Media Technologies,” “Internet+ and Education in Journalism and Communication,” “The Roundtable for Deans of Journalism and Communication Schools,” and “The Roundtable for Communication Students.”

III. Dates and Agenda

1. The Date of the Forum

October 24-25, 2015 (Saturday-Sunday)

2. The Timeline of the Forum

August 15, 2015: Begin to accept paper submission. The deadline for submission is October 5, 2015.

October 5, 2015: Begins to send notification of paper acceptation and invitation letters.

October 23, 2015, from 9:00am-17:00pm, Forum registration

3. The Agenda of the Forum

In the morning of October 24, 2015: Opening ceremony; keynote speeches; sub-forum on new media communication; sub-forum on new media industries

In the afternoon of October 24, 2015: The roundtable on editors of SSCI journals; other sub-forums.

In the morning of October 25, 2015: Sub-forums

At noon, October 25, 2015: Lunch (Outstanding Papers also awarded)


  IV. Requirements for Paper Submission

1. Only online submission will be accepted. Both Chinese-language and English-language papers are acceptable..

2. The email address for paper submission:

3. Paper format and length: papers are acceptable in both Chinese and English. Papers written in English shall follow the APA style (the 6th edition). Papers written in Chinese shall follow the APA style (the 6th edition) or the national standard of bibliographic references. Also, papers submitted for the forum should take any one of the following two formats: MS Word (Windows specific), MS Word (Mac specific). The whole article should be no more than 8000 words, including abstracts, diagrams, pictures and references.

4. The partial information (such as titles, abstracts) of the accepted papers may appear on the website of the forum, in the paper materials for the forum, or in other online media. After the meeting, accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings for distribution purpose. The paper can still be published in other publication outlets.

5. Paper submission period: from August 15, 2015 to October 5, 2015.


  V. Registration Fee

Attendees can register on the website of the forum: registration fee covers the costs for meeting rooms, forum materials, snacks and beverage, lunch and dinner. Attendees will pay the costs of transportation, accommodation, insurance and other expenses by themselves.

The registration fee is 500 CNY/person for faculty, 200 CNY/person for students


      VI. Forum Secretariat

Mailing Address: School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai, China 200240

Contact Persons: Prof. Guosong Shao, Ms. Yaya Peng

Phone: +86-21-34205800


If you have any questions, advices and suggestions, or have intention to sponsor the forum, please contact us. Thanks for your attention.
