吴益鹏 副教授
  • 天文与天体物理研究部
  • 基于等离子体的粒子加速、非线性光学和实验室天体物理研究(理论模拟+实验)
  • 上海市浦东新区李所路1号李政道研究所实验楼N571(201210)
  • yipeng.wu@sjtu.edu.cn

吴益鹏,开云网页登录 李政道学者,长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)获得者。入选上海市海外高层次人才计划和浦东新区明珠菁英人才计划。先后于2012年和2019年在清华大学工程物理系获得学士和博士学位(导师为鲁巍教授),2020-2023年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校任博士后研究员(导师为美国工程院院士Chan Joshi教授)。主要从事基于等离子体的粒子加速、非线性光学和实验室天体物理研究,在等离子体尾波加速器的性能提升、超强时空结构光的多维度操控和宇宙大尺度磁场的起源探究等方面取得了一系列重要科研成果。近年来,作为第一/通讯作者在Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, Communications Physics等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文10余篇;作为合作者发表SCI论文30余篇。研究成果入选中国光学十大进展提名奖。多次在国际知名学术会议中做大会报告和特邀报告。

1.  Yipeng Wu, Jianfei Hua*, Zheng Zhou, Jie Zhang, Shuang Liu, Bo Peng, Yu Fang, Xiaonan Ning, Zan Nie, Fei Li, Chaojie Zhang, Chih-Hao Pai, Yingchao Du*, Wei Lu*, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi. High-throughput injection-acceleration of electron bunches from a linear accelerator to a laser wakefield accelerator, Nature Physics 17, 801-806 (2021).

2.  Y. P. Wu, J. F. Hua*, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, S. Liu, B. Peng, Y. Fang, Z. Nie, X. N. Ning, C.-H. Pai, Y. C. Du, W. Lu*, C. J. Zhang, W. B. Mori and C. Joshi. Phase space dynamics of a plasma wakefield dechirper for energy spread reduction, Physical Review Letters 122, 204804 (2019).

3.  Chaojie Zhang*, Yipeng Wu*, Mitchell Sinclair, Audrey Farrell, Kenneth A. Marsh, Irina Petrushina, Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi, Apurva Gaikwad, Rotem Kupfer, Karl Kusche, Mikhail Fedurin, Igor Pogorelsky, Mikhail Polyanskiy, Chen-Kang Huang, Jianfei Hua, Wei Lu, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi*. Mapping the self-generated magnetic fields due to thermal Weibel instability, PNAS 119(50), e2211713119 (2022).

4.  Yipeng Wu*, Chaojie Zhang, Zan Nie, Mitchell Sinclair, Audrey Farrell, Kenneth A. Marsh, E. Paulo Alves, Frank Tsung, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi*. Efficient generation and amplification of intense vortex and vector laser pulses via strongly-coupled stimulated Brillouin scattering in plasmas, Communications Physics 7, 18 (2024).

5.  Y. P. Wu, J. F. Hua*, C.-H. Pai, W. An, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, S. Liu, B. Peng, Y. Fang, S. Y. Zhou, X. L. Xu, C. J. Zhang, F. Li, Z. Nie, W. Lu*, W. B. Mori and C. Joshi. Near-Ideal Dechirper for Plasma-Based Electron and Positron Acceleration Using a Hollow Channel Plasma, Physical Review Applied 12, 064011 (2019).

6.  Yipeng Wu, Jianfei Hua*, Zheng Zhou*, Jie Zhang, Shuang Liu, Bo Peng, Yu Fang, Xiaonan Ning, Zan Nie, Qili Tian, Chih-Hao Pai, Yingchao Du, Wei Lu*, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi. Tunable Plasma Linearizer for Compensation of Nonlinear Energy Chirp, Physical Review Applied 16, 024056 (2021).

7.  Yipeng Wu*, Xinlu Xu, Chaojie Zhang, Zan Nie, Mitchell Sinclair, Audrey Farrell, Kenneth A. Marsh, Jianfei Hua, Wei Lu, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi*. Efficient generation of tunable magnetic and optical vortices using plasmas, Physical Review Research 5, L012011 (2023).

8.  Yipeng Wu*, Zheng Zhou, Yingchao Du*, Jianfei Hua, Wei Lu, Warren B. Mori and Chan Joshi. Linearization of an Electron Beam’s Longitudinal Phase Space Using a Hollow-Channel Plasma, Physical Review Applied 19, 064013 (2023).

9.  Hanqi Feng, Zheng Zhou, Yipeng Wu*, Zhanfeng Gao, Yifan Liang, Nanshun Huang, Lixin Yan*, Haixiao Deng, Yingchao Du, Renkai Li, Wei Lu, Wenhui Huang and Chuanxiang Tang. Generation of Tunable 10-mJ-Level Terahertz Pulses through Nonlinear Plasma Wakefield Modulation, Physical Review Applied 15, 044302 (2021).

2023       国家海外高层次青年人才

2023       上海市海外高层次人才

2023       上海市浦东新区“明珠菁英人才”

2023       John Dawson Thesis Prize

2022       2021中国光学十大进展提名奖

2021       IEEE Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Doctoral Student Award

2021       蔡诗东等离子体物理奖

2020       清华大学优秀博士学位论文

担任Fundamental Research和Chinese Optics Letters等SCI期刊青年编委。






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