J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 382-390.doi: 10.1007/s12204-023-2596-9

• Special Issue on Advanced Technologies for Medical Robotics • Previous Articles    

Development of Rehabilitation and Assistive Robots in China: Dilemmas and Solutions


ZHAO Lingling1*(赵玲玲),GUO Yao2(郭遥)   

  1. (1. Department of Public Administration, Party School of CPC Hangzhou Committee, Hangzhou 310024, China; 2. Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
  2. (1. 中共杭州市委党校 公共管理教研部,杭州 310024;2. 开云网页登录 生物医学工程学院 医疗机器人研究院,上海200240)
  • Received:2022-07-30 Revised:2023-03-10 Accepted:2023-05-28 Online:2023-05-28 Published:2023-05-22

Abstract: China is rapidly becoming an aging society, leading to a significant demand for chronic disease management and personalized healthcare. The development of rehabilitation and assistive robotics in China has gathered significant attention not only in research fields but also in industries. Such robots aim to either guide patients in completing therapeutic training or assist people with impaired functions in performing their daily activities. In the past decades, we have witnessed the advancement in rehabilitation and assistive robotics, with diverse mechanical designs, functionalities, and purposes. However, the construction of dedicated regulations and policies is relatively lagged compared with the flourishing development in research fields. Moreover, these kinds of robots are working or collaborating closely with human beings, bringing unprecedented considerations on ethical issues. This paper aims to provide an overview of major dilemmas in the development of rehabilitation and assistive robotics in China and propose several potential solutions.

Key words: rehabilitation and assistive robotics, therapeutic training and personal assistance, regulation and laws, ethical issues

摘要: 中国正在迅速进入老龄化社会,因此对慢性疾病管理和个性化医疗产生了巨大需求。在中国,康复和辅助机器人的发展在研究和工业领域都受到了极大的关注。康复和辅助机器人可以帮助指导患者完成康复训练,也能协助功能受损的人进行日常活动。在过去的几十年里,我们见证了具有不同的功能和用途的康复和辅助机器人的发展。然而,与研究领域的蓬勃发展相比,专门的法规和政策建设相对滞后。由于康复和辅助机器人需要与人类密切合作和互动,所以在相关伦理问题和法律法规方面建设带来了前所未有的挑战。本文旨在概述中国康复和辅助机器人主要发展困境,并提出相应的潜在对策。

关键词: 康复和辅助机器人,康复训练和个人协助,法规和法律,伦理问题

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