J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 517-.doi: 10.1007/s12204-022-2554-y

• Medicine-Engineering Interdisciplinary Research • Previous Articles    

Novel Visualization Tool for Percutaneous Renal Puncture Training Using Augmented Reality Technology


YU Jiaqi1 (于佳琪),WANG Shuyi1* (王殊轶),WANG Yuqil (王浴屺),XIE Hua2 (谢华), WU Zhangleil (吴张檑),FU Xiaonil (付小妮),MA Bangfeng1 (马邦峰)   

  1. (1. School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; 2. Department of Urology, Shanghai Children’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200062, China)
  2. (1.上海理工大学 医疗器械与食品学院,上海200093;2. 开云网页登录 医学院附属儿童医院 泌尿外科,上海200062)
  • Received:2021-12-20 Accepted:2022-04-03 Online:2023-07-28 Published:2023-07-31

Abstract: We aim to develop a novel visualization tool for percutaneous renal puncture training based on augmented reality (AR) and compare the needle placement performance of this AR system with ultrasound-guidedfreehand navigation in phantoms. A head-mounted display-based AR navigation system was developed usingthe Unity3D software and Visual Studio to enable the overlay of the preoperative needle path and the complexanatomical structures onto a phantom in real time. The spatial location of the stationary phantom and the percutaneous instrument motion were traced by a Qualisys motion capture system. To evaluate the tracking accuracy,15 participants (7 males and 8 females) performed a single needle insertion using AR navigation (the number ofpunctures n = 75) and ultrasound-guided freehand navigation (n = 75). The needle placement error was measuredas the Euclidean distance between the actual needle tip and the virtual target by MicronTracker. All participantsdemonstrated a superior needle insertion efficiency when using the AR-assisted puncture method compared withthe ultrasound-guided freehand method. The needle insertion error of the ultrasound-guided method showed anincreased error compared with the AR method (5.54 mm ± 2.59 mm, 4.34 mm ± 2.10 mm, respectively, p < 0.05).The ultrasound-guided needle placements showed an increased time compared with the AR method (19.08 s ±3.59 s, 15.14 s ± 2.72 s, respectively, p < 0.000 1). Our AR training system facilitates the needle placement performance and solves hand-eye coordination problems. The system has the potential to increase efficiency andeffectiveness of percutaneous renal puncture training.

Key words: augmented reality (AR), visualization tool, needle puncture navigation, simulator training, HoloLens

摘要: 本研究的目的是开发一种基于增强现实(AR)的新型经皮肾穿刺训练可视化工具,并比较模型中该AR系统与超声引导徒手导航的针头放置性能。本研究使用Unity3D和Visual Studio软件开发了一种基于头戴式显示器的AR导航系统,可以使术前入针路径和复杂的解剖结构影像实时覆盖到穿刺模型上。我们通过Qualisys 运动捕捉系统来跟踪静止模型和经皮器械运动的空间位置。为了评估跟踪的准确性,15名参与者(7名男性和8名女性)使用AR导航(穿刺次数n = 75)和超声引导下的徒手导航(n = 75)方式进行了单次置针操作。针尖与虚拟目标之间的欧氏距离为置针误差,该距离使用MicronTracker测量。与超声引导徒手穿刺相比,AR辅助穿刺方法具有更好的置针效率。超声引导的置针误差高于AR导航的误差(5.54 mm ± 2.59 mm,4.34 mm ± 2.10 mm,p < 0.05)。同时,超声引导的置针时间也高于AR导航的时间 (19.08 s ±3.59 s, 15.14 s ± 2.72 s, respectively, p < 0.000 1)。结果表明,本研究开发的AR训练系统提升了置针效率并解决了操作者的手眼协同问题。在提高经皮肾穿刺训练的效率和有效性方面,该系统展现出一定的潜力。

关键词: 增强现实(AR),可视化工具,针刺导航,模拟器训练,HoloLens

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